Monday, January 31, 2011

A Shout Out To The Ladies Who Inspire To Become Great Leaders

Hello Ladies,

Kindle a new in your mind the Fire,Hope,Faith, Courage and Tolerance. If you have the state of mind and a working knowledge of the Principals,described, all else you need will come to you when you are ready for it.~Napoleon Hill

Write this out and place it somewhere that you will read it daily and see it.
By writing things out it makes it concrete. Do this daily in your life and make all your dreams a reality. Learn to Aspire to Inspire yourself and others daily in your life. Developing you will be the best gift you could give yourself and others.
The one thing that others will learn by coming to my blog daily is that I am all about developing the minds of many.

Until next time Blessing
Patricia Faidley
P.S Lisa Renee shared this image on facebook I loved it and chose to share it with you.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One Simple Idea

One Simple Idea Can change your life. Living paycheck to pay check is a stressful life.
That one ideal you have had nagging from inside of you. From childhood. The one that keeps saying there is more to life than this. You may find that one ideal could be the one that takes you to success.

How do I get past that imaginary line and move forward with my life? You are where you are now because that is where you are suppose to be. Start from there, if you study this information you will gain new skills. Over time you will look back and say wow look where I am.

You really don't realize that step by step, brick by brick you will build the wall, you will build your masterpiece. By creating a vision and setting it in stone you will achieve that vision you seen.

Don't stop till you reach that Goal. Listen to this video and get inspired.

You must grow, learn, and get desire in your heart. Believe and see it for yourself you and your family deserve it.


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Why Facebook

Anyone interested in starting a business online must understand the basics and the power that they hold in the palm of their hands by using Social Media in their marketing. Some say well I don't know anything about that or I don't like putting myself out there.

You either want to grow and change with the times or stay the same as the masses.

Whichever you choose your results are your results.

Listen to this and know there are many doing network marketing and knocking it out of the park. You can to all you need to do is Believe it is possible.

Start one step at a time till you have climbed that mountain. One day you will turn and be living a completely different life.

One with time and energy to do the things you love.

Patricia Faidley

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Leave a breif thought also blessings

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Andrew Carnegie wrote;

The accumulation of great wealth calls for POWER, and power is acquired through HIGHLY, ORGANIZED, AND INTELLEGENT DIRECTED SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE, BUT, that knowledge does
NOT have to be in the POSESSION of the person who accumulates the fortune.

Your organized knowledge can come from other people. All working together, they are great at what they do as well as you also have something you are great at as well. By everyone joining as a team. We build leverage, and that is how the wealthy get even wealthier.

Many people choose to follow the pack, do what they know what others before them have taught they stay in a comfort zone, never exploring new ventures. Never daring to dream or visualize things never being any different.
Watch this video and feel free to contact me for more information.
Click Here

Are you ready to have a Six Figure Residual income by the end of 2011? Following a step by step plan to get you there. Don’t wait; do not go to the thinking corner on this one. This powerful suite of tools will take your business to the next level, and our teams of leaders are ready to show you how.
We are waiting on you. Make a decision today to build a financial fence around you and your family for Years to come Now!

Patricia Faidley
Go To

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Step Son Is Engaged

Wow, Finally they did it they are Engaged. My Husbands Son and His girlfriend have been together forever. Now it is Wedding Planning and Excitement for all to have in 2011.
My wish for them is to never take each other for granted. Strive to feel the way you feel now forever. Grow with each other never stop growing,learning new things about each other. Always compliment, appreciate and understand each other.

Look forward to sharing more soon.

Brittany & Paul

Patricia Faidley

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Simple thought Leads me to Conversation

Hi it's Trish Faidley

I welcome you here. If you are here I know that you're here for a reason, I know that everything happens for a reason. And you have come to the right place. If you are looking to enhance your life, and your mind with fresh new ideas and concepts, from my perspective of all I've learned for over the past 4 ½ years. I am ready to teach others to change their lives because of it.

I want to read a quote today by J Paul Getty an American Oil Tycoon who lived from 1892- 1976. He wrote this quote and it inspired me so I thought I would share it with you.
" individual who wants to reach the top in business must appreciate the might of the force of habit and must understand that practices are what create habits. He must be quick to break those habits, that can break him, and hasten to adopt those practices that will become the habits that help him achieve the success he desires."

Whooo sigh, that is some true stuff right there. And what he is saying to me and my perspective from that is, if you want to create anything you want to create you are going to have to create habits of those who create the things you want do. If you are interested in mind development then you would study those in mind development. If you want to build racecars then study those professionals who build race cars.

In order to learn you must study successful people, the rich do not have big libraries for the reason of just having a library. In their homes they have a library because they study. They study in their libraries reading books and they read them not once but over and over again, I've often misunderstood the concept of the Library when I was young.

I couldn't stand to have to go to the library, because it meant I would have to work or I would have to do something that was required of me that I didn't feel like doing. As you get older, and you require the knowledge the library or Google comes back into play. And it becomes a part of your life. Your growth, I'm not the only person who talks about this there are many who talk about this and I believe that, energy flow is changing in the world today and it's going to depend on you whether or not you change your thoughts and move forward or you stay back with the old thoughts, doing the things that people are doing and failing at.

So it's your option and your choice to change your thoughts, and how you perceive the world right now. It really is, if you want to be successful you must start to listen to those who are speaking the language of successful people. Delete those who are in your lives that are causing you to not move forward not expand and by Delete I mean remove all contact from them move forward.

Those who are growing are those who you want to be around. If you choose to move forward that is what we do so . God Bless you I hope you got something out of this session and I will speak soon.

Blessings Bye Bye
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Monday, January 17, 2011

Energy Shift Happening Feel It

When you can see the Power of Something New, Something exciting, a way out, you start to see the beauty of Life. Becoming Aware that things are Possible opens up doors.
We are heading for a Powerful Energy Change that is well needed in this world of ours, If you are listening to this video you are here because you are suppose to be here right now.

Results are the the thoughts that proceeded them. Your results are indeed there because of things that you have thought.
Doors will open when you change thought because they just will trust me. Power yourself with good thoughts daily.

Good will always win. I hope you join me on your journey to success. Life is a Journey what are you going to leave behind.

My purpose is to leave something for my Children to Learn From. Personally all my time studing would go to waste if I did not share what I know so I feel it is my obligation to share it with all of you
Patricia Faidley
Click Here to see more videos
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Friday, January 14, 2011

Achievements are in all of us we just aren't focusing on them.

Listen to this powerful quote Napoleon Hill wrote in his book The Master Key To Riches, by the way you can get this on great book.
The Hope of Achievement. You will be moved to want to achieve more after hearing this.

To have Hope gives you options, without options you are going to the bottom pretty quickly. Listen to this over and over until you hear what this message is telling everyone. Hope, and Will to achieve something will achieve it.

Until next time Blessings
Patricia Faidley
Stay Posted more coming CLICK HERE

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Today's Perspective

Earl Nightengales said experts claim that it is possible to learn a definite system of problem solving that will fit most situations instead of jumping from one thing to another, think through each problem and it's possible solutions before you do anything about it.

Some people go on for ages with a problem never solved.

Bob Proctor spoke 6 steps to make a difference.

1. Define problem clearly on paper.
2. List the obstacles standing in the way of you solving it
3. List people or other ideal sources that might help you solve the problem
4. List as many possible courses of action that you could take.
5. Try to visualize the results of each action
6. Choose the course of action that best suits you.
Keep choosing another until you get results but take your time and let it take effect before moving to the next thing.

Click here to see more exciting videos
Patricia Faidley

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

In The World Of Words Attitude Ranks Very High

Earl Nightengale said We live in a world of words. We have a word for everything and some of these names and labels mean a great deal to us. Words such as love happiness, success, achievements, Joy, Ability.
These all describe conditions all of us want, but there is one word which controlls all of them. That is one word which describes the condition which will bring us all of these things or keep us from getting any of them.

Ask yourself if you know what that word is?
Earl Nightengale referred to it as a magic word. It's ATTITUDE.
you see if we've got the wrong attitude we distort everything we see.
Everything that comes into our life is twisted.

When we have the right atitude we see clearly, we improve everything we build a repore with people.

Attitude as Earl Nightengale describes it is our condition or bearing as indicating our thoughts, feeling, actions it's everything about us.

Bob Proctor says this power flows into our consciousness and we choose our pictures.
We get emotionally involved with those pictures and thats what causes us to act.

Atitude is the energy that is LEAVING US!
It's going out into the universe, and the universe offering by law it sends it back to you. So good or bad energy is coming back.

Attitude makes the difference you could have all those things, Happiness, Joy, Achievement with the right attitude.

Sit and think for 5 minutes then have the best attitude ever all day long, watch what happens.

Patricia Faidley

Describe in great detail what you see when you let your imagination soar and imagine the way you really want to live

Question: Describe in great detail what you see when you let your imagination soar and imagine the way you really want to live.

My Answer: I see laughter, happiness where ever I go. Excitement, of what is to come. I see a home in Hawaii, with a lunai, beautifully furnished, facing the water, with two palm trees and a hamick. I see relaxing while I work on new exciting creative things. I see my family having great times. I see myself Speaking to large groups of people and changing their lives for the better. I see training my son to be what ever he chooses in life and showing him how to get there. I see helping children to see a different point of view. I see myself, showing others a better way. I see all beauty in the world, all around people

coming together and changing the world for the better.

What do you visualize? You see this is where your journey begins. How can you have a journey without vision. If you can't see it you can't have it. Take the time today and think about this question. Write down just like I did elaborate, what ever feelings you feel for this must be STRONG and EMOTIONAL. This will give you the WILL to see it through. DESIRE is the BEGINNING of VISION.

Start a Journel today. I wrote this 4 years ago, and still feel the same way, of course much closer to it than ever.....It won't happen over night but the relief, and Joy that I have because I am working toward something BEATIFUL in my life has been the BIGGEST reward of all.

You will look back and really love what you wrote.

Patricia 1/12/2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Think About Branding Cutting Edge Technology

If there was ever a time to get aboard the most cutting edge Technology for Branding and taking your buiness to the next level it is right now my friends.
Truly phenominal Interested. Click on the box to your right and see how we are going to Rock it out of the park.
Patricia Faidley
Get Back with me click here
These are the Tools of the future of any Business.

Change your Plan not your Goals

Will you achieve your Goals if you keep changing them No! What most people are doing wrong is they change the Goal and don't have a clear vision of where they are going. First you need Vision and Purpose, the Why! Then the Goal is when you Achieve it. Create a plan this is your roadmap to getting to the Goal. If something isn't working you change the Plan not the Goal. Think Big You will get there even if you make it half way that is still further then you were.
Why think small a Goal must be bigger then you are. Make the decision and don't let nothing stop you
To See More videos Visit CLICK HERE

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Arguments do not Win Friends

Have you ever felt a argument coming and just knew it before it happened.
Arguments are not doing anyone service. We take the pain from another person and place it within ourselves. My question today is why. Arguments can be avoided and in this video I will discus how you can diffuse it before it gets out of hand and avoid going through the drama caused from it.

It is better to keep your focus on the right things to avoid unnecessary drama in your life. Here at Life-Changing Perspectives I will discuss many ways to create a more peaceful and abundant life. Sometimes it is just common sense but most of us with our busy lives tend to forget that we take in a lot of things that are not needed. Just because of our beliefs and perceptions of things.

Until next time be blessed and spend time thinking about that person in your life that chooses to bring you into their negative life, without even knowing they are doing it.
We choose what we take into our minds,start today to make the decision to change.
Patricia Faidley

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

If Your Not Using Video In Your Business Then Why?

Looking forward to opening up a whole new way of presenting your business online, Teaching,Motivating,training you in many ways to build a successful business online in 2011 check out this video and future videos as they will give you what you need to succeed in the coming months.
If your not using video then Why?
Do you have a Constant Flow of Customers or leads to your websites, your blog, your business?
Do you have the right mindset to build online?
Are you ready for 2011 to take you to higher levels?
Let me show you how.

Click Here To see my past videos

New Exciting Things Coming Your Way Soon

Hello Everyone.
I know it has been a while since I have written, Very busy getting set up to introduce many new things coming your way in the New Year.
I know that those who follow me know I am all about Inspiring Others, Motivating others, and developing others.
I personally love videos and marketing with videos gets the word across to your audience in a more personal way, It allows your customers and clients to see you and get to know you and build relationships on deeper levels. As you know business is all about building relationships.
Although You tube is a powerful tool for holding your videos, the downside is that you also are allowing others to get recognition off of your site. This tends to take your customers attention and place it elsewhere. Now you should use this tool, but I researched and found a way that not only allows you to upload and store your videos but allows you to brand yourself in the process without diverting their attention elsewhere.
Come visit my own Personal Video Channel and see what I am talking about @ and see for yourself. Please come back often because this is where you will find all of my newest videos to learn from. More coming soon in coming months.

As you can see I am putting together many things in the near future to teach and inspire others such as my very own Broadcasting center, where I will train and work with my team members with live conferencing and meetings. Branded to me. I will be holding live web shows in addition to these broadcast where you can interact with me live on my own TV show online.
Keep watching for updates this is so exciting and I am looking forward to 2011 to be a GREAT YEAR FOR ALL INVOLVED.
Patricia Faidley