Monday, October 11, 2010

What do you see when you look through the looking glass of life?

What do you see when you look through your looking glass of life?Really be honest do you see it the same 10 years from now, will you continue to do the same things you are now? You see comfort in what you have will stagnate you. It will rob you of living, it takes your life away literally one day at a time. Now, if you said no I see big things in the future bigger than I am now, then you are living, and breathing life into yourself there is a big difference.

You can be happy where you are now, and have gratitude for where you are, but that shouldn't stop you from pushing forward to new things, that you enjoy, I certainly am changing the other half of my life.

I remember as a child how felt to do something new and accomplish my goals, and it felt really good it lifted me, and taught me, now I have stepping stones to see the progress. You see you cannot see them until later.

The how that guided you then is still the how that will guide your future, its just now the knowledge has been instilled,you will always be tested, and once you learn to pass the test, things move quickly and start to change for you.

It becomes fun to create. If you are not creating your own happy abundant life that you want to live, then why?

Don't waste anymore time just sitting in front of the tv, cripe the information you are recieveing from a couple hrs of that is enough to make you want to jump off a bridge, isn't it?

Now is the time to change your ways of how you view your life? If it isn't everything you ever dreamed of having then why isn't it?

Ask yourself these questions and really start making the effort. Start to follow those with the mindset that will get you there, start making genuine friendships with those doing what you see yourself doing. Use the best tool God Gave you your mind......Start today.
Patricia Faidley 2010