Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Consciousness the way out of pain

Nobody's life is entirely free of pain and sorrow. Isn't it a question of learning to live with them rather than trying to avoid them?

The greater part of human pain is unnecessary. It is self created as long as the unobserved mind runs your life.

The pain that you create now is always some form of nonacceptance, some form of unconscious resistance to what is.
On the level of thought , the resistance is some form of judgement. On the emotional level it is some form of negativity.

The intensity of the pain depends on the degree of resistance to the present moment, and this in turn depends on how strongly you are identified with your mind. The mind always seeks to deny the Now and to escape from it. in other words, the more you are identified with your mind, the more you suffer. Or you may pur it like this: the more you are free of pain, of suffering-and free of the egoic mind.

Why does the mind habitually deny the Now? Because it cannot function and remain in control without time, which is past or future, so it percieves the timeless Now as threatening. Time and mind are in fact inseprable.

Imagine the Earth devoid of human life, inhabited only by plants and animals. Would it still have a past and a future? Could we still speak of time in any meaningful way? The question "What time is it?" or What's the date today? if anybody were there to ask it-would be quite meaningless.
The oak tree or the eagle would be bemused by such a question. What time? they would ask. "Well, of course , it's Now. The time is Now. What else is there.

Yes, we need the mind as well as time to function in this world, but there comes a point where they take over our lives, and this is where dysfunction, pain, and sorrow set in.

The mind, to ensure that it remains in control, seeks continuously to cover up the present moment with past or future, and so, as the vitality and infinite creative potential of Being, which is inseparable from the Now, becomes covered up by time, your true nature becomes obscured by the mind. An increasingly heavy burden of time has been accumulating in the human mind. All individuals are suffering under this burden, but they also keep adding to it every moment whenever they ignore or deny that precious moment or reduce it to a means of getting to some future moment, which only exist in the mind, never in actuality. The accumulation of time in the collective and individual human mind also holds a vast amount of residual pain from the past.

If you no longer want to create pain for yourself and others, if you no longer want to add to the residue of past pain that still lives on in you, then don't create any more time, or at least no more than necessary to deal with the practical aspects of your life.

How to stop creating time? Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the Now the primary focus of your life. Whereas before you dwelt in time and paid brief visits to the Now, have your dwelling place in the Now and pay brief visits to past and future. when required to deal with the practical aspects of your life situation. Always say "yes" to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to something that already is? What could be more insane than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say yes to life-and see how life sudenly starts working for you rather than against you.

Just a little bit of the book Ekart Tolle The Power Of Now

Be blessed

Sunday, July 26, 2009

How Emotions Play a Role In Your Life

You say that emotion is the mind's reflection in the body. But sometimes there is a conflict between the two: the mind says "no" while the emotion says "yes," or the other way around.

If you want to know your mind, the body will always give you a truthful reflection, so look at the emotion, or rather feel it in your body. If there is an apparent conflict between them, the thought will be the lie, the emotion will be the truth. Not the ultimate truth of who you are, but the relative truth of your state of mind at the time.

Conflict between surface thoughts and unconsious mental processes is certainly common. You may not yet be able to bring your unconsious mind activity into awareness as thoughts, but it will always be reflected in the body as an emotion, and of this you can become aware. To watch an emotion in this way is basically the same as listening to or watching a thought which I described earlier. The only difference is that, while a thought is in your head, an emotion has a strong physical component and so is primarily felt in the body. You can then allow the emotion to be there without being controlled by it. You no longer are the emotion; you are the watcher, the observing presence. If you practice this, all that is unconscious in you will be brought into the light of consciousness.

So observing our emotions is as important as observing our thoughts?
Yes, Make it a habit to ask yourself: What's going on inside me at this moment? That question will point you in the direction. But don't analyze, just watch. Focus your attention within. Feel the energy of the emotion. If there is no emotion present, take your attention more deeply into the inner energy field of your body. It is the doorway into being.

Emotions, usually represents an amplified and energized throught pattern, and because of its often overpowering energetic charge, it is not easy initially to stay present enough to be able to watch it. It wants to take you over, and it usually succeeds-unless there is enough presence in you. If you are pulled into unconscious identification with the emotion through lack of presence, which is normal, the emotion temporarily becomes "you." Often a vicious circle builds up between your thinking and the emotion: they feed each other. The thought pattern creates a magnified reflection of itself in the form of an emotion, and the vibrational frequency of the emotion keeps feeding the original thought pattern. By dwelling mentally on the situation, event, or person that is the percieved cause of the emotion, the thought feeds energy to the emotion which in turn energizes the thought pattern, and so on...

some of my reading on Power Of Now.....Eckhardt Tolle
food for thought ..

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Let Me Ask You Something

Let me ask you something...

If you were just one step away from reaching your goal of flooding your life with wealth, would you take that step?

How do you know, right now, that you're not?

What a shame it would be to stop making the effort, when just a little bit more would make it all worthwhile.

What a shame it would be to have taken all those steps, only to miss this very last one.

This next step you take may very well be the one that makes all the others count.

You owe it to yourself, and the efforts you've made, to take this step.

Its simple... go to this website and read my entire letter from top to bottom. I promise you - you'll be a changed person for the better.




P.S. Don't delay - run to that website now. At some point success is just one step away. Keep going and you'll be there.

P.P.S. There is a curve called failure, a loop called confusion, speed bumps called friends, caution lights called family, and you will have flats called jobs.

But, if you have a spare called determination, an engine called perseverance, insurance called faith, and a driver called God, you will make it to a place called success. Go to this website right now - http://store.sixminutestosuccess.com/?aid=593937

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I Challenge You To A Mental House Cleaning

Did you know that most of us will do a Big Spring Cleaning on our house, Garage, Cars...But never take the time to do a mental house cleaning.

Have you ever stepped back and had a darn good visit with yourself?
Ask yourself these 3 questions...
1.What are you doing?
2.What is working?
3. What doesn't work?

do this every week, you will soon start to develop a thought process, that will help you to clean out the clutter in your mind and business that isn't working for you right now...

Is it in harmony with what you are trying to accomplish in life. If its not working your not in harmony with it.
If something isn't working it doesn't mean it's right or wrong, your just not in harmony with what it is that is not working
You keep adjusting & it doesn't work..
Be quiet alone give your mind attention, so you can get in harmony with the universe.

What are you doing? Is it working? are you on purpose with your business or life.
Step back and STOP! Look it over, clear debree so you can see your truth.

Ask Questions of yourself Something is waiting on the other side for you.
What are you doing? What Works? What doesn't?

When people sell their homes, have you ever noticed some people will clean them and keep them clean to show others, and some have clutter piled up to the hill and don't care if people see their homes that way they just live in the clutter.
The owners are perfectly fine living in their clutter. They don't realize that they are stuck and held back. this stuff causes lack of focus.

Your actions become habitual, you convince yourself its not all bad. This requires less effort, it's why people stay in dead end Jobs, stay in Bad relationships or keep going back to one, it's comfortable, you are afraid of what will come up in Quiet, that is why people avoid it.

Tell yourself your indespencible, you become overwelmed.

Enormous amounts of time and energy goes into what we think we should do because we think we know what their thinking. We need to do what we want not what others think.
Nothing can occur without abrasion of conflict.

We are taught from childhood that it matters what others think, we are responsible to others in our life, although this is true to some degree, but if your are not living up to what you think you should be your cheating those people closest to you anyway.
You are not inviting the real beauty inside you to come out.
Do a Mental House cleaning!
People get alarmed with you when you want to change your life. Appologise to them it's not your business to worry about what others think.

Retreat and go to a Quiet Area and do what you need to do.

How do you want to live"
You call the shots
You decide how you want to live
Shut down communication with everyone, be responsible
People will worry but just let them know you are okay and then go sort your life.
People around will not know how to act even if its only temporary they will have to adapt to change.
People resist being changed, but if you make a decision to change it's you right even though others may resist your change.

Once I changed everything around me changed.
You will feel an enormous amount of pressure to not retreat.
These people are like lines that tie a boat to a dock. They may put a great deal of effort to hold you down but when you tie a boat to a dock, it's not meant to be tied its meant to sail.

When tied to a dock the boat has no ability to fight or weather the storms, it will be capsized.
When you are sorting your life you must be free not tied to weather the storms.

The way it's always been done is not always the right way.

You must deal with these can't do's

Echos in your mind, outsiders who enter your mind and try to influence you they may feel they have reasons, but remember selfishness is not living your life. When you retreat your are not being selfish you are going to create change.
Respond appropriately to change happening.
Don't react to people or situations Don't give them your power respond you are in control.

Mental house cleaning
What are you doing?
What Works?
What doesn't?
Does your daily activities support your goals?
Step away from Routine
let go of what's not working
stop looking for approval
Don"t let EGO get in the way of what you need to do
If your not proactive with filling the voids in life, nature will fill them for you, Don't let nature take this course.
Focus, Time, Energy on the right things.

Bring order to your mind, and you will no longer question actions.
You will create a void and fill it with a new habit.
No longer act hastely move with calmness as you steer yourself back on course, you will experience some bumps, recognize the stress then release it.

No one can steal your dream, your permitting them to take it.
You travel at a much faster speed, relax into it knowing it's working do this over and over MENTAL HOUSE CLEANING take objective opinions on your life and look at what you are doing.

Be blessed
Take my word on this, Act NOW! you will be glad you did...Change your mindset, change your life!

If you would like to be mentored by the best

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Youthful inexperience what I have learned

Be on guard for careless or rebellious attitudes characteristic of youthful inexperience. Just as a youth requires instruction, this is a good time to focus on learning your lessons from a patient teacher or life experience. Is there some circumstance in your life that you failed to comprehend, perhaps because you could not appreciate its inherent complexities? Be respectful of anything or anyone who has something to teach you right now.

In order to be prepared for challenges, let education be a part of your life. Continually develop the strong mind and will necessary to carry you through confusing times. The wise realize that experience is a powerful teacher, even though we cannot be forced to learn, even from experience. Be a good student, one who delights in learning, one who nourishes his or her expanding awareness, one who is paying attention!

Examine your attitude for factors that limit your openness. Observe how you deal with the mistakes of others. You must let people live their own lives and learn their own lessons. Offer others your wisdom or advice, but only if the other person is receptive (when in doubt, ask). Otherwise, give up trying to convince him or her that you are right, which is only exhausting and counter-productive. If people are not receptive, let them go their own way — even into difficulty or dangerous circumstances. It is the only way they can learn right now — and without learning, no one can achieve success. This does not mean that you should not care — just that taking care of someone too much can be harmful. Live and let learn.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Life Is A Wonderful Journey

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is costly, care for it.
Life is wealth, keep it.
Life is love, enjoy it.
Life is mystery, know it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.
- Mother Teresa -

Friday, July 3, 2009

Progress Is Made When....

Progress is made when those in subordinate positions create harmony with those above, and in so doing create a natural means for their collective talents and abilities to blossom. It is by recognizing and riding with the natural course of events — by hitching our wagon to the rising sun, as it were — that we advance our position and earn respect. Goodness in human nature is like the dim but beautiful early morning.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Leaders Are Born To Be Leaders And Some Grow To Be Those Leaders With The Right MindSet

Ever wonder how come certain people just seem to be able to do more, see more, have more and they certainly seem more attractive.

Ever wonder why some people spend all day complaining, while others seem to whiz through their day with no complaints?

Every wonder how some people make it to the top, while others stay the same doing the same things day in and day out?

Only leaders (real leaders) with natural God given talent and ability to inspire, manage and lead others...& make it to the top of the Food Chain.

These types of people have values that they would die for.

These people "Future Speak" often and are always pointing to the future.

Complaining is foriegn to these type of people...

These kinds of people are good communicators that rise above just being articulate and natural born salesman, but they can also speak with a conviction that is rare and unnerving.
A self-aware person not only know where she is going, but also knows why and if you gave her ten minutes she's convinced you to follow her.

Natural born leaders have more self confidence then anyone standing within a mile of them.
They poke fun at themselves, innately to relax those around them.

They have a visible empathy for everyone in their life. They actually feel other people's pain.
They'll always make you feel important.
People who posess the genius level ability can and will.....
adjust your mood
never be upset or thrown off balance by other people's moods.
These types can calm down the up-starts in a group.

These kinds of race horses suspend judgement.
People are drawn to these alpha types...

I hope you are hearing all this information it is great information...to those who read between the words..
Be blessed until next time.

These facts are true and I will be creating a video about this very subject soon...stay tuned for it.