Sunday, May 31, 2009

Continuation of #1

Brave heart Women,

Your value, your gifts and talents have already been put inside you, God says you have a treasure, you have a gift, value.

Get your mind going in a new direction, two many people do not have confidence, because of negative thoughts.

Think I am a victor, look for opportunities to stretch to the next level.

Some people almost miss what God has in store for them because they do not draw out what was give to them.

Don't let the size of your dreams or the vastness of Gods calling intimidate you.

If you have made mistakes God is the giver of 1st, 2nd, 3rd chances, let go of the old so you can see the new.

The Power of your blood line, thorobreds have generation after generations of winners, Winning is in the blood, no guarantee that you will win, unless you pull it out. It is in your blood, legacy of championship dreams, God has put it in you...Doesn't matter how many flaws you have, you have the DNA of almighty God. You come from a long line of champions.

Moses parted the Red Sea- there is great faith in your blood line.

David a shepard boy, defeated Golieth with only a few pebbles he picked up from a brook.- there is courage in your blood line.

Sampson tumbled a building- there is supernatural strength in your blood line.
Daniel spent an entire night in a lions den, and wasn't even harmed- Devine protection flows through your blood line.
Queen Esther put her life on the line to save Gods people- Sacrifice and heroism are in your bloodline.

You understand now you come from a blood line of champions, you are not ordinary, you are a thorobred.

Doesn't matter what your outside looks like, you must know that on the inside flows the blood of a winner. You have seeds of greatness, seeds of almighty God. God sees you already at the winners circle, he has been working on you for a long time.

No addictions, no issues can change your blood line, you were bought at a very high price, God gave his very best for you his only son...don't think you are worthless, cause you have a champion in there.
Natural blood line, Spiritual bloodlines are different, cause the Spiritual blood line overides the Natural.

Trouble makers you may say he has a bad blood line, somewhat true but your spiritual blood line can overide all the others, power is in your spiratual blood line.

God saw us before we were ever born, he knew you, you were preordained to be here....By God not your parents.

We are all ansestors of Abraham, and may recieve the blessing of him. He was prosperous, healthy and lived a long productive life, Through Gods blessings.

You can still fulfill your destiny, your days have all been planned out for good not evil.
if you do not appreciate, and take advantage of your freedom, get your thoughts and actions going ib the right direction it will not do you any good.

If you are sitting back waiting for God to do something, the truth is he is waiting on you. You must rise up in your authority, start pressing forward.. Change you attitude, refuse to except things that are less then Gods best.

Your freedom was already purchased. Start saying I am free, I will see my dreams come to pass, God is supplying all my needs, you can beat anything..With him. Plan to live a long healthy life declare it everyday, do not surcumb to disease and being unhealthy.
Rise up, recognize what the problems, do not just function in your disfunction, make changes, wake up the mighty man....Stir up your gifts today from now on you will live under the blessings not the curse.
You will discover that your chains have been loosened and you will be free to go forward...
negative things will continue from generation, to generation...until someone steps up and changes it this will affect our children from generation to generation.....change now!
stay tuned
Be blessed

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Live Your Best Life Now

If you follow these 7 keys to use to unlock your seeds of greatness allowing you to burst forth in abundance and a blessed life, I promise you may not become rich, but you will always be blessed with a more fulfilled life.

Look inside and discover the seeds of greatness that God has placed within you.
Keep in mind you were blessed to be a blessing to someone else and he will continue to give many blessings to you in life.
Becomming a better person is all about growing, learning, and improving. The more you learn to trust God, the better you will be.

#1 Keep pressing forward:
Stretching to the next level A reporter and famous archietect Frank Lloyd Wright was asked of your many beautiful designs, which one is your favorite? The answer was the next one, cause Frank Lloyd Wright understood the priciple of stretching. Constantly pressing forward, never being satisfied with past successes. The entire world is waiting for your next adventure.Two many people are living far below their potential
they have many gifts and talents, but have gotten comfortable and settled where they are, to easily satisfied, and become stagnent in their personal growth.

They make excuses for where they are, I made it further then my parents did, excuses that keep us where we are instead of pressing forward they except that, God wants more for us, no matter where we are in life God has more in store...God wants to show favor in your life, more tommorow then today. If you are a teacher you haven't taught your best class yet, if you are a builder you haven't built your best building yet, if you are in business you haven't negotiated your best deal yet. It is time to get your hopes up, enlarge your vision and get ready for the new things God has planned for you. Your best days are not behind you they are in front of you.

If this is going to happen we have to keep pressing forward expressing ourselves. Get rid of low expectations, little dreams, don't go around thinking it never happens to me, I never have anything, get rid of this thought process, God has breathed his life into you, he has planted great seeds inside you. You have everything you need to fulfill your God given destiny. Talent, creativity, wisdom, has all been put in you, you are full of potential, but you have to tap into it, make full potential of the gifts you've been given.

The potential has been put there, it is not lessoned because you have chose not to use it, it will impact your future, past problems do not affect your potential.
Your value, your gifts have all been put there it does not matter what anyone else thinks. Your best days are still out in front of you. Dwelling on negative thoughts will keep you where you are now. Use the favor that has been given. Look for opportunities to stretch to the next level.

Adam and Eve hid because they were naked, God stated who told you you were naked and he knew that they had done wrong, those lies are from the enemy. Do not listen to the enemy always use possitive self talk.

Look unto God in your weakness, take that leap of faith, you have incredible potential within you, get your eyes off your problems, start focusing where you want to go, dream big dreams and see yourself fulfilling your dreams and you destiny.

Draw out what you have been given, do not allow anything to keep you from facing forward. Let them stay where they are you keep pushing forward. Do not allow unbelief to change your faith.
As God closes doors, another will open, take the step forward, go through the door.
You will then start to see your path beginning to form. Some things you think are the path, may change, and when they do you will see what was meant to be. Out of rejection, comes direction.

You will say later, I now know why this happened. The dream in your heart may be bigger then the enviroment that you live in, sometimes you need to get out of that enviroment to get where you want to go. We have to learn to trust God, that he will not allow you to go where you should not. Believe he has us in the palm of his hand, do not die with the treasures still inside you keep pressing forward.

You have not seen or heard or imagined what God has in store for you, give him a chance and you will be blessed with amazing abundance....

Stay tuned for #2.

Be blessed

A Good System Shortens The Road To A Goal



Having an intelligent plan is your first step to success.

With a plan, you know where you're going.
You'll know what progress you're making.
And you'll have a pretty good idea
of when you can
expect to arrive.

Meticulous planning will enable
everything you do
to appear spontaneous to other people.

Your goals can only be reached through the vehicle of a plan.
One in which you fervently believe,
and upon which you will vigorously act.
There is no other route to success.

What do you want to achieve or avoid?
The answers to these questions are your objectives.

How do you go about achieving your desired results?
The answer to this will be your strategy.

A good plan permits you to frame your life
so that at some
time in the future fact and your dreams will meet.

Success or failure is often determined
on the drawing board.

© Copyright 2008

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Imagination, And The Power Of The Mind

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he...Proverbs 23:7

Something very interesting about this fight or flight phenomenon is that you do not have to be in actual threatening situation for your body to react. Just thinking or dreaming about, imagining, or even remembering such a situation can cause you body to produce the same physical, mental, and emotional responses.

Have you ever been lying in bed late at night and heard some little noise that caused your mind to start playing games with you? You are lying there safely and securely, yet you begin to prespire, your mouth dries up, your heart starts pounding and so fourth.

Isn't it amazing that just the mere thought of danger can produce the same reaction as real danger? We can see why the Bible warns us of the tremendous importance and impact of our thoughts and emotions on our everyday lives.
Another example would be in hearing a vague rumor of some possible layoffs at work. When people hear that type of rumor, they usually start worrying. Some people worry to the point of having stomach trouble.

The power of the mind, of thought, of imagination and emotion is immense and every bit as real as the power of the physical realm. We should make every effort not to worry, become fearful or mentally re-live situations that have been emotionally upsetting to us.

Just a thought to keep your thoughts possitive, and stay the course toward the light of happiness....

Sickness is the result of worry, and unhappiness..

Be blessed

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This Was a Awesome Email Just Love To Share

Hello Patricia,


This information assisted me in becoming outrageously successful.

Failed in Business - Bankruptcy, 1831
Defeated for Legislature, 1832
Sweetheart/Fiancée Dies, 1835
Nervous Breakdown, 1836
Defeated in Election, 1836
Defeated for U.S. Congress, 1843
Defeated again for U.S. Congress 1846
Defeated once again for U.S. Congress, 1848
Defeated for U.S. Senate, 1855
Defeated for U.S Vice President, 1856
Defeated again for U.S. Senate, 1858

Elected President of the U.S.A., 1860

"You can not fail...unless you quit!"

You may ask yourself what makes people exceptional?

Exceptional people have an understanding of how the world works and the universal laws that govern mankind. They know that they will not be denied greatness if they continue moving forward towards their goal regardless of obstacles! Until next timePatricia, this is Krista Carr wishing you a productive and prosperous day!

Make it a great day,

Krista Carr

Daily Motivation

You can't be beaten at anything, until you quit in your own mind.
There is no failure except in your not trying.
There is no defeat except from within.

You have no real insurmountable barrier except your own inherent weakness of purpose. The odds are with you if you keep on trying.

Consider yourself on a very long journey.
Sustain your personal vision of success until you achieve it.
In the end, you can fail only if you don't try.

Winning isn't everything, but wanting to is.
Success is a road that's paved with perseverance.

© Copyright 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Model of Unwavering generosity and love

A model of unwavering generosity and love provides you a source of strength and wisdom.

The card in the Foundation position points to influences from your personal history, your roots and background.

The Empress suggests that at some time in your life you were exposed to an inspiring model of female dignity, generosity and love -- someone who was steady and supportive. How fortunate you were! This experience taught you to go within and find the source of right action and clear thinking within yourself. Even if this person is no longer available to you, the learning you received can continue to provide a strong, reliable foundation.

I am Triumphant!

PATRICIA's Personal Card:


This Deck: Lovers Path

General Meaning: What has traditionally been known as the World card points to the presiding intelligence, called "Sophia," or Wisdom, which upholds life on this and all worlds. A more precise title for this card might be "the Soul of the World," also applicable as a symbol of personal empowerment and freedom. In most Tarot decks it is a female figure that has become our standard World image. She originates in Hebrew, Gnostic and Alchemical lore, and stands between heaven and earth as the Cosmic Mother of Souls, the Wife of God and our protector from the karmic forces we have set loose upon the Earth in our immaturity and ignorance.

Where the Empress energy secures and fertilizes our terrestrial lives, the goddess of The World invites us into cosmic citizenship -- once we come to realize our soul's potential for it. Just as the Chariot stands for success in achieving a separate Self, and Temperance represents achievement of mental and moral health, the World card announces the awakening of the soul's Immortal Being, accomplished without the necessity of dying.

This card, like the Sun, is reputed to have no negative meaning no matter where or how it appears. If the Hermetic axiom is "Know Thyself", this image represents what becomes known when the true nature of Self is followed to creative freedom and its ultimate realization.

Balance Your Needs

Improve your ability to balance your needs against the pressures of other people's expectations. To turn this challenge into an opportunity, develop some enthusiasm for spending more time with yourself, making the pivotal decisions in your own life, and living directly with the consequences of your choices.

Become your own best advocate. To help you accomplish this goal, shorten the list of people and circumstances that have the power to distract you or divert your energy. Define your boundaries. State your goals. Start acting on your own behalf.

Be blessed

Saturday, May 23, 2009

People Do Not Fail for Lack of Skill

People do not fail for lack of skill, effort, or desire. The struggle because they lack mastery of the key inner resources necessary to generate the success they desire!

Word to the Wise!

PATRICIA's Personal Hexagram:
50: The Cauldron
Saturday, May 23rd, 2009

General Meaning: The cooking pot symbolizes nourishment and rejuvenation. Sooner or later, good comes to those who do good; joy comes to those who bring humor to others; opportunity comes to those who persist in their dreaming. Rejuvenation is a returning to innate desires — and a re-charging of batteries through the fulfillment of these wishes. This reading suggests nourishment and transformation for people of goodwill. Great good fortune and success are indicated for nourishing relationships.

Healthy, regular sustenance is important, as symbolized by the cooking pot, which provides nourishment to all. When a cycle of humanity reaches its peak, each person's sustenance comes in the form of his or her deepest needs and highest aspirations.

Rejuvenation means that men and women of talent and insight are being properly nourished and valued. When a society or group is functioning properly, these people are supported, and encouraged to contribute to their best abilities. A fresh approach to old habits is indicated in a period of rejuvenation. Look for ways of putting new life in old forms. Only when great vitality is present can breakthroughs be achieved.

Friday, May 22, 2009

All about Selling

** Article: Is Successful Selling All About Lowest Price? – By Charles Dominick **

In most of my public speaking appearances, I speak to groups of corporate purchasers. However, I recently had the enriching opportunity of speaking to a group of sales professionals.

I asked them to tell me about the experiences they've had with purchasing groups that have frustrated them the most. I got some interesting responses!

One phrase that was repeated often was, \"It's all about price!\" These sellers felt that many purchasers do not seek the supplier that will best serve their organization, but instead always seek the cheapest supplier.

I assured them that this was not the case in most progressive purchasing and supply management departments. However, that is not to say that their perspective did not have merit. It does.

I summed up why they had the experiences that they had in this blurb: \"It all comes down to what can be quantified in financial terms. When price is the only thing that appears to be quantifiable then, yes, it does all come down to price. However, when paying a higher price can yield a quantifiable return (e.g., minimizations of other costs), a well-trained purchaser will make the decision that has the most favorable net impact on the bottom line.\"

There are many other aspects of doing business that affect the bottom line. Are you, as a seller, considering them in the same way that your potential customers are?

If not, consider evaluating how these costs of doing business with you differ from the costs a customer may incur when doing business with a competing supplier:

- The cost of acquiring a product or service
- The cost of using a product or service
- The cost of supporting a product or service
- The cost of maintaining a product or service
- The cost of disposing of a product or service
- The cost of poor performance

Just to illustrate the detailed analysis that a corporate buyer may do, I'll provide the steps that he or she would follow to take into account the estimated cost of a seller's poor performance. This approach is most commonly used by large corporations who are doing business with two or more competing suppliers and wish to consolidate their supply base.

Here's their 6-step process...

1. They define \"events\" that constitute poor service, poor delivery, and poor quality. For example, a poor quality event may be receiving an incorrect invoice.

2. For each event, they determine its average cost to their organization. For example, an incorrect invoice may require their accounts payable and purchasing staff to dedicate 3 man-hours at a rate of $30 per hour to resolve the problem. Thus, the average cost is $90. They apply the same average event cost to all suppliers.

3. For each event, they determine the percentage rate of occurrence using historical information. For example, if 10 of the last 1,000 invoices that a supplier provided were inaccurate, the percentage rate of occurrence for that supplier is 1%. They express the rate of occurrence in a decimal format (e.g., 0.01). Each supplier will have a different rate.

4. For each event, they determine the number of opportunities for the event to occur. If suppliers will invoice them weekly over a two-year deal, there will be 104 opportunities for an event. The number of opportunities will be the same for each supplier.
5. To estimate the cost of poor performance for each event, they multiply these three things together: the number of opportunities, the rate of occurrence, and the average cost per occurrence. Cost of poor performance per event will differ by supplier.

6. For each supplier, they add the cost of poor performance per event for all events to the corresponding supplier's price. The supplier with the lowest total cost after factoring in the cost of poor performance will generally be the ideal choice, considering price and performance.

So, you can see, it is not all about price in all situations.

Knowing how the buyer will evaluate your proposal is a big advantage in successfully selling to large companies. Helping the buyer understand how your company minimizes the total cost of doing business is the key to getting your proposal evaluated favorably by today's sharp purchasing professionals.

About the Author:

This article was written by Charles Dominick, C.P.M., SPSM. Mr. Dominick is the president of Next Level Purchasing, Inc., a company dedicating to helping purchasing professionals have successful careers. Next Level Purchasing can be found on the Web at

** Article: Is Your Knowledge an Obstacle to Selling More? – By Jeremy Cohen **

Imagine you had the opportunity to ask Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking what they do for a living and how they do it. Chances are, after fifteen minutes of astrophysical prattle your head would be spinning and you still wouldn’t quite have the answer to your question. They are both geniuses hopelessly immersed in their fields.

When it comes to your business, you’re the genius. As an independent professional or small business owner you pride yourself on your vast repository of knowledge about your services or products. You could talk for hours about your latest technique, newest gadget or industry trends. Your success is ultimately predicated on your ability and acumen. But in order to be as successful and as profitable as you want be you need to maximize your ability to sell your gadgets or contract for enough applications of your techniques and services.

If you’ve had some success in business you’re undoubtedly doing something right. If you’ve found that sales have leveled off in order to reach your next level of accomplishment, however, you will likely have to try something new or take a different approach to marketing. As a successful person (or someone who aspires to be successful) a method for increasing sales is to reevaluate your marketing material and make sure that your knowledge isn’t jamming the effective communication of the value you provide.

Here are some steps you can take clarify what changes you can make to your marketing to increase sales and be more profitable.

Examine Current Clients

Who are your current clients? Are they people you were already pretty much in the know about the technicalities of what you do or sell or did you have to educate them to understand how you can help them?

If you find that most of your clients were pretty savvy about how you can help them before you marketed to them there is likely opportunity for you to expand your market by reaching out to those who don’t inherently understand that you can help them. What steps can you take to enlighten those who don’t quite understand they can benefit from your service?

Examine Your Marketing Material, Advertisements and Websites

Often times your first contact with your prospects comes in the form of a brochure, advertisement or website. Are these tools only speaking to a fragment of your market?

Here’s a quick, inexpensive way to determine whether you can increase targeted response to your marketing collateral by clarifying the results and value you provide .

Ask your friends and family who are in very different fields of work from you to review your brochures, advertisements and website. Next, ask them who your clients are and why your services or products are helpful to them. If their answers are inconsistent and unsure your marketing material may be too highbrow and is likely alienating potential clients. How can you clarify your value and communicate more effectively to a larger targeted market?

Move Your Marketing Forward.

Don’t let you knowledge get in the way of making another sale. Make sure your marketing material clearly and concisely communicate who you help and the value of the help you provide and watch sales soar.

About the Author:

Jeremy Cohen helps professional service providers and small business owners increase profits with decreased marketing costs and increased revenue. Download his free marketing guide, More Leads and Sales - Sensible Steps to More Profits, Clients and Success

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Quote for the Day!

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
Many people take the first step and then stop.
Yet, with every additional step you take, you enhance immensely
the value of your first step.

All masters of success are chiefly distinguished
by their power of adding a second, a third,
and perhaps a forth step in a continuous line.

There is no royal road to anything.
One thing at a time, all things in succession is the rule of life.
That which grows fast, withers as rapidly.
That which grows slowly, endures.

Do not despise the bottom rings in your ascent to greatness.

© Copyright 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Time is Now Open to all

Join our group that offers complete, turnkey solutions for individuals and business owners for rapid debt reduction, equity building, and cash flow acceleration. We offer all who join a powerful mastermind and networking group of professionals to leverage with - and potential value-added JV opportunities. Learn how to save thousands on taxes, bank like the banks do, rapidly reduce personal and business debts without any drastic changes to your current budget, and build wealth more quickly. For more info, feel free to email us after you join our group and/or attend one of our local professional networking meetings.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Finding my Why!

Hello Everyone,

Every person in this world is unique. There are no two people alike, and every person is a miracle. Just the fact that you were born means that you have already achieved against great odds.

We are all caught in a "war". Part of the war is the chorus of "voices" that try to devalue your uniqueness and steal your dreams. The voices all try to make us part of a "group". A major part of embracing and celebrating the miracle is to reject the label. Always remember that you are YOU! You are not a group.

Your negative defaults also known as "the past"
will control your future only if you let them. The Past tends to bind shackles around your ankles that hold you down as you try to proceed on your success journey. Close your eyes and imagine five hundred pound chains around each of your ankles as your pursuing your dream. It's impossible! You and only you can make the decision to rip the chains of your past from your ankles and start walking free from what has been holding you down for years.

Start now on a journey of success, find your Why! then put your heart and soul into it and you will succeed..Be, Do, be successful you must see yourself successful first. Then do something to make that a reality, then you will become everything you dreamed of being..

Until next time
Be Blessed

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Your success depends on the support of other people.
The only hurdle between you and what you want to be,
is the support of others.

Put yourself in another's place, and you'll know
why they think and do certain things.
You can succeed fastest by helping others to succeed.

Always think in terms of what the other person wants.
You'll get everything in life that you want
if you'll help enough other people get what they want.
Doing things for others always pays dividends.

You're not an isolated island.
You're a piece of the planet, a piece of the universe.
Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement,
all success, all achievement in real life grows.

When you help someone's boat across a river,
you'll find your own boat has reached the shore too.

© Copyright 2009


Wanting success isn't sufficient enough to get it.
You have to ask yourself,
"What am I going to do to get the things I want?"

Your problem is how to bridge the gap which exists
between where you are now and the goal you intend to reach.

You cannot fail with a definite step-by-step plan,
because each step carries you along to the next step, like a track.
All you need is the plan, the road map,
and the courage to press on to your destination.

You cannot get lost on a straight road.

© Copyright 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

I am going to talk about religion, and for those who do not believe maybe you could just hear me out. With that being said I will write this blog, change is needed in this world.

If you are in debt then hear me out, I am no exception except for the fact that I have wittnessed many blessings in my life, I am a believer in God. I too have debt, and quite simply am tired of it, which is one of the reasons I started Learning what I needed in todays Economy. I asked God and this is the path that I have taken.

Now that I have educated myself, what is needed to invest, have met many people who are blessed in my pursuit, But the one thing that I was doing wrong is that I was pursuing money, which many of you out there are, some maybe not. This is what I've come up with:

Stop searching for money, what God wants he will pay for,abide by his principals, tommorow always will your payments, stop spending unwisely on cc. people are trapped because of debt, in jobs they are not happy with, instead of being free to do what drives them what they were meant to do.

Give 10% to God work, Save 10%, spend the rest. Did you know that Egypt was saved because Joseph saved 20% of grain.

Make a committment that enough is enough, do not give money and things a place of importance. Money does not make you happy. You will live abundantly if you stop worring about having more money. Money buys stuff, this stuff is it that important or is living a life of freedom and peace, abudance this will give you more money.

Living passionately is what God wants for you, we were all placed here to do a job, what is your purpose.....I pray that everyone lives with purpose, because the lord will deliver you in times of trouble...follow the path that he wants you to take,,,,,,this is when you will be most happy.

We need to pray for this current system in our economy.

we need to pray for our leaders

we need to pray that our country will turn and seek the lord once again, stop all the fighting,and pray........

Taking God out of everything has brought down the thunder on this country, for those who do not see this they need to awaken to what is going on....

Seek the source of prosperity, follow his principals and we will have prosperity in this country once again. When finances get tight that is when the enemy steps in, says you can't afford to give laughing because you know what the enemy is winning right now and the world is crying out for help........stop and pray for change......THE ANSWER IS PRAYER!

What is the problem? MONEY, Knowlege is out there if you give it a chance, Never overlook the stepping stones, they could be in your path...Keep your mind open to change.

Call on God, God will provide through paths of prosperity, ideas, business, he will provide the correct path.

Life is meant to live, enjoy, stress free, happy...........we all search for this we are not all doing what is needed to get there........

for those of you with no debt you have obviously mastered what is needed and Great for you, but even those who have, if they do not respect the money they to will loose it,

Follow Gods path we need it more now then ever......PRAY

Until next time

Be blessed


Something To Ponder

This is something to ponder, in fact we all need to think about what is most important to us,

It is not about the money......Its living life with passion.

When you find the why it will give birth to the how........

Think of the apple, what does the apple go through to become a apple.

does it not go being a seed, enduring pounding rains, changes in seasons, and time,

It has to grow roots, then grow into a tree, than branches and finally with all that it has to endure it becomes not just one apple, but a whole tree of apples.......

If we all could think of ourselves as apple seeds, use dilligence, determination, and focus to allow our dreams to take root, then nurture those roots to make them grow in to not just one pay off but many........If we find our passion, our purpose and feel it, taste it see it, believe it don't you think that we have the potential to achieve our dreams.....

remember find your why

why were you put here, God put all of us here to follow our purpose....when you find that purpose, you will find your happiness, and abundance.

Do not search out money, do business with integrity, do unto others as you would want them done to you....In this will come all your blessings in life....

take the time out of your busy life and spend it with those who are dear to you and whom will be there no matter what you have or do.....Love every day as if it were your last...

You cannot take it with you, but you can leave behind, a blessing of the time you did spend here with no regrets....Use your time to the fullest live with purpose

God will bless you....

Until next time be blessed


Know Your Why

We need to all find out what our Why is.

Know your purpose for why you are here. Everyone has a purpose, God gave us all a quality that we excell in, you need to find what that is, then use it with all your heart and soul. We are all put here on this great soil for one purpose to serve with the quality that is given, Your Why will show you the way....

There is no seperation between the mind, body, Soul, they all work in unison to make us who we are, do not try to seperate these, you will fail. I you have a goal, and it is solely for your own advantage, then you are living a lie. What is it that you bring to the table from your heart?

We live in a world that is contradictory, Pay a athelete 3 million a year, but pay a teacher of our children 45k a year? think about this.

If you were to tell me that I would have the ability to affect thousands of peoples lives, I would have told you I don't believe you.....Now I have the ability to do just that......

One of the best feelings in life is when we help people, but when we need help its difficult to reach out our hands, why would we deprive another from this satisfation of helping us?

Business should be run like you run your life, if your life is in shambles, then more then likely that is how your business is. Run them both the same, you want good in your life make it so.

The world we live in has taught us that its all about me......we are taught that money is a measure of success, but yet some people with money have no soul, without soul you are not happy. We all have intincts, that tell us right and wrong don't ignore the wrongs.

Heart of a Servant:

You cannot do it alone, Its not all about you, You are not important in the big scheme of the world, you are placed here to be a servant of mankind. Help others while climbing the ladder there is a reason things work in 2's

We spend time working a job to make money, to buy things we don't need to impress people we don't like Why?

Success is measured by Joy and Contentment, keep your attitude right with integity and honor these things will come, along with money.

When you sacrifice something precious you grow. We live in a world of abundance, but there is one thing that we don't have in abundance and that is time.

We need to use the time wisely, make the changes while we are here. When you sacrifice your time to touch someone else it will then touch thousands of others in the process,

Stop Telling God how big the storm is, and start telling the Storm how big God is.

Friendships, Trust, Confidence, Empathy, Faith are the improtant things without these we wither as a society.

What is Love?

Love is patient, Kind,and always trust, perserveres and never fails us.

Love isn't envy, bostfullness, self seeking, and keeping records of wrongs.

What is Your Why? is it big enough to sustain you? Bigger then you will sustain you, this will leave a legacy. Isn't that what we want, you cannot take materials with you, when you are gone how do you want people to think of you.

Build your treasures with God, Build the treasures with your family with heart...

We are all intertwined in the fabric of mankind, if you pull a thread out we all will feel the affects. When your time comes to step up, do it, make the changes, make the difference to affect the world.

When you don't live up to your potential you rob the joy of people, what you have to offer God gave you, you must find it, so that we all can live the way we are supposed to.

We need all the talents in this world , so if you are really good at something use it.

We must live in concert with one another going out 2 by 2 was not a mistake, sometimes we need one another to get work done.

Husband and wife-2 gives balance in your life

If you are gloating about how good you are, Ask yourself where is God in all this? it, will put you back into perspective.

True fellowship is showing each other respect, every human being deserves respect no matter what.

Well Had to write from my thoughts today, hope it was inspirational, its time to find our Whys.

Until next time

Be Blessed

Hello Everyone
I would like to share some information that I feel will change your life right now.
Many of you have heard about Jim Rohn, those of you who haven’t should listen to his work; it is very powerful to say the least. Here is some of the powerful information I learned today.

If you have no philosophy then nothing will work. Philosophies will change your life forever.

“Profits are better then wages”. Wages make you a living, which is fine. Profits make you a fortune. This is super fine.

I’m working a full time job and working part time on my fortune. I found a way to not only make a living, but I found a way to make a fortune. Example: you work everyday making a living, but imagine if you could take 10-15 hrs part time and spend it on something you are passionate about, that will help others, and could earn $1,000 extra income a month to start out, would this not give you more flexibility. Now you have something that will give you a classic invitation for people to look at what you are doing. Now take that and multiply it, law of average…we all need to start working on out fortune today.

1st goal: I want equal profits working part time as my full time JOB. 6 months time

2nd goal: to make twice as much money part time as my full time JOB. 1 year’s time.

3rd Get the thrill of leaving the full time JOB and work full time on your fortune.

“It’s not what happens that determines your life fortune it’s what you do with it”. The same wind blows on us all.

It’s like a Sailboat, it’s not the wind that carries the sailboat, but the setting of the sail that carries it. Set a better sail this year then last year. What do you think the next 10 years of life will look like? The next 10 years will be about like the last 10. After recession comes what? Expansion you have to be positioned to reap the rewards.

“For things to change you have to change”. “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.”

“It’s not what happens, because what happens happens to everyone. After day comes night it’s not going to change.

“Opportunity mixed with difficulty” will be like this forever, you cannot change the seasons, you can not change what happens either. After recession comes expansion, after expansion comes recession over and over and over……

Those in the know will profit. “Don’t wish for fewer problems wish for more skills.”
You can’t fly without gravity. Humans do the most remarkable things no matter what happens. If you do something often enough a ratio will appear. You learn more by loosing, then by winning.

If you have opportunity, product, story…sow a seed it’s the bird story. You sow a seed, the birds are going to get some of it, if you chase the birds you leave the field this will distract you from future not add to it. Just keep on sowing your seed, the law of average will come into play sooner or later. If you keep sowing there won’t be enough birds an eventually you will get one. Now another seed falls on rocky ground where soil is shallow, it plants itself and grows but the 1st hot day it dies, do not worry about it , say isn’t that interesting, move on, keep sowing then finally the seed falls on thorny ground, starts to grow but the thorns choke it to death, thorns will get some just like the birds, except it and move forward, do not sign up for the why class, keep sowing, sower now keeps sowing sharing story, keeps giving invitation, finally the seed falls on good ground it always will (law of avg) if you share good information with good people it will fall on them.

In the Bible it says Service to many, leads to greatness. What could I do for the people? If you help enough people get what they want, you could have everything you want. If you help people with their problems your problems will disappear. If you have a way whether you use it is up to you. Ambition is what drives you.
Like John F Kennedy stated “Don’t ask what the country can do for you, ask what you can do for the country.”

The country is the people in it, if you directly or indirectly affect people; your income will reflect how many people you affect.

God says “You move toward me I move toward you”. Start affecting the world around you, when you do you will reap the rewards of it….

Learn to work by group not individual. You cannot carry people on your back; even a baby grows and does not need to be carried forever.

Willingness to try is what will make you 1$+ambition=Rich

The greatest value in life is living the good life. Helping, being a part of your world….. Don’t miss the nourishment of everything in life that will help you, your inner circle, family those who care about you, don’t miss out on anything, its better to have love and live in a tent then be alone living in a castle.

6 things to be successful and happy

1. Productivity

2. Good friends –support system

3. Spirituality- study practice, teach, build strong foundation, and build the economy

4. Don’t miss anything- be there

5. If you live well you will earn well

6. Ask for God’s help

Well I think I have said enough for the day hope that all of you read these words and really get in on the opportunity that we have right now….
Start to create your future now, part time and work it out so that we all can live in abundance, peace.

Be blessed Until next time

Inspirations to share

Promises to Yourself By Christian D. Larsen

Promise yourself….
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind;

To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet;

To make all your friends feel that there is something in them;

To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true;

To think only the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best;

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own;

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future;

To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile;

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others;

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear; and too happy to permit the presence of trouble;

To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words, but in great deeds;

To live in the faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you.