Friday, March 11, 2011

The Marketing Secrets Diva Training Has Begun

My Friends,

I have taken the time to create a new blog in addition to this one that I feel is necessary to expand and help others in the marketing arena. Although inspiration is still very much a part of my life and I will continue, to bless you with it, I had to take the next step.

Developing others is also a passion of mine, I realize that so many people need what I am sharing and spent years learning. My hope is to help eliminate some of the trials I had to go through to get me where I want to go. The money people are spending to develop themselves online is incredible, it is my hope to cut that learning curve in half. All along my journey my question to myself has been why do
all these programs give you just enough to get you started and leave you stuck and needing to look for more?

I will put an end to that with this new blog. If you are looking for ways, to develop and grow your business online I will be sharing them on this new blog.
Please come and join me there as well.Share my information and bless me as well, leave comments if the information you received helped you that is what networking is all about. It is a relationship business. I look forward to connecting soon.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What do you fear

What do you fear?

I watched a child in the mall yesterday as she was kicking and screaming. Her parents were trying their best to calm her down.

I also watched the people passing by them. Some shook their heads and saw the child as a spoiled, "give me what I want now," child. Others paused and offered a few kind words to both the child and pare...nts.

"You're such a beautiful little girl. Such a beautiful girl shouldn't cry," one lady said.

"Don't be so sad. We all have bad days," added another.

"I think she's a spoiled brat," I heard one whisper to a friend.

None of themwere right. The child was neither spoiled nor having a bad day.

She was afraid.

The parents told me afterwards that someone carrying a coat scared her. She's afraid of dogs. The coat looked like a big dog.

They went on to explain that it is a challenge for them to go places. Friends have dogs, neighbors nearby walk their dogs down the street.

So, you can imagine what it's like to try to get through a day without sending your child into a panic.

I can remember, as a child walking up the steps at night I would get the feeling that someone or some thing was going to grab my feet. So, I ran most of the time.

I'll admit that occasionally as an adult I do the same thing.

Fear - what you fear the most in life, owns you, controls you, limits you.

I struggle with the fear of heights, but I fight it. My wife sent me off in a glider on my 60th birthday. I was fine. I was better than fine, I was great!

If I could have one foolish child-like wish come true it would be to have the ability to fly like a bird.

The truth is fear can be debilitating. Fear cripples many, limits abilities to enjoy even the simplest things in life and in some cases stops people from having medical procedures that could prevent major health issues.

Fear also crushes dreams.

Sometimes our own fears are imposed on others around us affecting their views and impacting their ability to live life fully...all in the name of love, concern and good parenting.

Someone once used the acronym F.E.A.R as False Evidence Appearing Real.

I'm not sure that applies to all fear. One might have had a bad experience with a dog and now that fear is real, relevant in their lives.

But, I think the kind of fear I believe we can deal with is the fear that reinforces doubt.

In particular poor self image issues either self imposed or wrongfully fed to you by others in your life or the world in general.

Fear and doubt are enemies of faith. They are the enemy thatyou permit to control your decisions, even when you declare your faith in God.

You give them power over you. The enemy doesn't want you to be happy, successful, or faithful. The enemy wantsyou to fail and stay there. Why?

Because successful, happy, healthy people give credit for their happiness to God even when they face their fears they declare their belief in the God who fears nothing.

"Fear prevents, faith prevails!"

Bob Perks

Bob Perks is an inspirational author and speaker. Bob's new book I Wish You Enough has been published by Thomas Nelson Publishers. A collection of stories based on his Eight Wishes expressed below. Available through your favorite bookstore or online. Visit

"I Wish You Enough!"

(c) 2001 Bob Perks

I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.

I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.

I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.

I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.

I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.

I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.

I wish you enough "Hello's" to get you through the final "Goodbye."

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Why Your Attitude is Everything And How to Turn it Into Action

Why Your Attitude is Everything And How to Turn it Into Action

Keith Harrell March 10, 2009 Posted in Success Magazine

One of the most important steps you can take toward achieving your greatest potential in life is to learn to monitor your attitude and its impact on your work performance, relationships and everyone around you.

I generally start my workshops and seminars by asking a fundamental question: What attitude did you bring into this meeting? Often, this brings puzzled looks. In truth, people generally don’t have a high level of attitude awareness. They’ll know if they are hungry or if their feet hurt, but they usually don’t have a good handle on their attitude. That is a mistake because attitude is everything. It governs the way you perceive the world and the way the world perceives you.

We all have a choice. We can choose an inner dialogue of self-encouragement and self-motivation, or we can choose one of self-defeat and self-pity. It’s a power we all have. Each of us encounters hard times, hurt feelings, heartache, and physical and emotional pain. The key is to realize it’s not what happens to you that matters; it’s how you choose to respond.

Your mind is a computer that can be programmed. You can choose whether the software installed is productive or unproductive. Your inner dialogue is the software that programs your attitude, which determines how you present yourself to the world around you. You have control over the programming. Whatever you put into it is reflected in what comes out.

Many of us have behavior patterns today that were programmed into our brains at a very tender age. The information that was recorded by our brains could have been completely inaccurate or cruel. The sad reality of life is that we will continue to hear negative information, but we don’t have to program it into our brains.

The loudest and most influential voice you hear is your own inner voice, your selfcritic. It can work for or against you, depending on the messages you allow. It can be optimistic or pessimistic. It can wear you down or cheer you on. You control the sender and the receiver, but only if you consciously take responsibility for and control over your inner conversation.

Habitual bad attitudes are often the product of past experiences and events. Common causes include low self-esteem, stress, fear, resentment, anger and an inability to handle change. It takes serious work to examine the roots of a harmful attitude, but the rewards of ridding ourselves of this heavy baggage can last a lifetime.

Here are 10 strategies from my attitude tool kit to improve your attitude:

Self-Coaching Through Affirmations
Affirmations repeated several times each day, every day, serve to reprogram your subconscious with positive thinking. An affirmation is made up of words charged with power, conviction and faith. You send a positive response to your subconscious, which accepts whatever you tell it. When done properly, this triggers positive feelings that, in turn, drive action.
Self-Motivation Through Discovering Your Motives
Discover what motivates you—what incites you to take action to change your life. Basic motives include love, self-preservation, anger, financial gain and fear. Self-motivation requires enthusiasm, a positive outlook, a positive physiology (walk faster, smile, sit up), and a belief in yourself and your God-given potential.
The Power of Visualization

Studies of the psychology of peak performance have found that most great athletes, surgeons, engineers and artists use affirmations and visualizations either consciously or subconsciously to enhance and focus their skills. Nelson Mandela has written extensively on how visualization helped him maintain a positive attitude while being imprisoned for 27 years. “I thought continually of the day when I would walk free. I fantasized about what I would like to do,” he wrote in his autobiography. Visualization works well to improve attitude.

Attitude Talk for Positive Internal Dialogue
Attitude talk is a way to override your past negative programming by erasing or replacing it with a conscious, positive internal voice that helps you face new directions. Your internal conversation—that little voice you listen to all day long—acts like a seed in that it programs your brain and affects your behavior. Take a closer look at what you are saying to yourself.

The Power of Words—WOW
Once released to the universe, our words cannot be taken back. Learn the concept of WOW—watch our words. What we speak reflects what is already in our hearts based upon all the things we have come to believe about ourselves. If we find ourselves speaking judgmental and disparaging things about our circumstances or those around us, we know the condition of our hearts needs to change. You can create a direct path to success by what you say.

The Power in a Positive Greeting
When people ask me how I am doing, I say, “Super-fantastic.” Most people enjoy working and living with others who try to live life for what it is—a beautiful gift.
Enthusiasm: Vital Tool for Staying Motivated
Enthusiasm is to attitude what breathing is to life. Enthusiasm enables you to apply your gifts more effectively. It’s the burning desire that communicates commitment, determination and spirit. Enthusiasm means putting yourself in motion. It’s an internal spirit that speaks through your actions from your commitment and your belief in what you are doing. It is one of the most empowering and attractive characteristics you can have.

Connecting to Your Spiritual Empowerment
The ultimate level of human need extends into the spiritual realm. Just as we feed our bodies in response to our primary need to survive physically, we need to feed our spirit because we are spiritual beings. Many people find powerful and positive motivation in their faith. I happen to be one of them.

Lighten Up Your Life with Humor
Humor is a powerful motivator. The more humor and laughter in your life, the less stress you’ll have, which means more positive energy to help you put your attitude into action. There are also health benefi ts to lightening up.

Exercising Will Help Keep You Motivated
One of the best ways to move to a more positive and motivated frame of mind is to exercise. A regular exercise routine can provide relatively quick positive feedback in the form of weight loss, muscle development and a sense of doing something positive for yourself.

Seek your personal and professional success by using the tools in this attitude tool kit. It is no secret that life seems to reward us most when we approach the world with a positive attitude.

I really enjoyed this so I thought I would share it on my blogg
Blessings Patricia Faidley

Friday, February 25, 2011

Extreme Blog Makeover

Hello Toby and Layla, Ir's Patricia Faidley From Maryland
Welcome to my blog, I am applying for the Expertise and Precision of your Technical abilities to build me A Rockstar Blog to increase my productivity 100%. I know that with you on my side I will be totally set up for succes.

I am praying that I am picked to recieve it. You know I spent the last 4 and a half years giving my heart and soul to others, providing value and what a gift it would be to recieve this awesome gift you both are offering. I know that if given this gift it would not go in vain, I am so grateful for all the help you have offered so far this tops it. I really think you heard my prayers.

I know you are only picking 20 and appreciate the consideration on this it's truly a blessing.

So Pic me I am your women for the job. I will not let you both down.

Blessings Patricia

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Today I Give Thanks An Praise

It us Sunday afternoon, all is quiet here in my home. I sit and think of all the many blessings I have and there are many. I give thanks to the only one who makes it all possible that is God.

I try to share something everday because it is my perspective that everyone should have something to believe in. Many will say don't push religion on others, I say if your life is not going the way that you want it too, Everything seems to turn to mush, then there must be something that is not right. You see God does not push, he does not do anything that you do not ask for. You may not know this but he simply waits until you ask for Him to come to you. He is not forceful, but just as any father would be He is there by your side regardless, if you are listening or not.

We were all created, we are all connected, we are all family in His eyes, there is one thing I do know He is patient, forgiving, and always there.
If you Ask it shall be done. Belief is so important in life. Where are you going? I know that when I look back I see the times He carried me, lifted me up, kept me from harm. He believed in me even when I didn't believe. It wasn't until I gave Him my all that I felt his power totally transform me to the person I am now.

I do not say this to sway you but to communicate with you that there is other ways to see things. You may not believe in God but you must believe in something? What is guiding you, where does that inner voice come from you know the one that tells you that you are on the right track, the one with emotions so powerful that you know it could only be of extreme intelligence. That is your connection, when you grow that connection you are unstoppable. Through Him all things are possible.

Because it is Sunday I like to give thanks to whom I believe My Dear Lord And Savior Jesus Christ. Amen

Have a blessed day
Patricia Faidley

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Pages Long Forgotten

The Pages Long Forgotten

Mike stepped into the used bookstore, smelled the age of old pages and smiled.

Here was a wealth of old stories, history waiting to be read, and a host of other joys. On a back shelf, he found what he was looking for, two tiers crammed with the forgotten. They'd served their use to those who once held them dear, but now gathered dust in the darkest corner of the store.

There were Italian, American, French and Greek. They contained secrets from around the world. There were collections of chicken, beef, pastries, bread, and desserts. They waited, hidden in a little explored part of the store, and hoped someone discovered their treasures.

Mike knew what to do. He picked one up, held the spine in his hand and let the book fall open. They always opened to the most used pages, the recipes loved by lost generations. The page in front of him was for a recipe called, "Beef-filled cornbread". The picture showed a delicious layer of meat and cheese, layered with cornbread and covered with a hot sauce. The pages were stained with splatters of tomato sauce. It was obviously a favorite of the previous owners. He'd try this one.

Those used the most are the best.

He found several other books, each with its own marked pages, carried them to the counter and made his purchase.

"I hope you found something you like." The cashier said.

"Oh yes. Very much! I'm sure these are exactly to my taste."

He paid for his purchase, left the store and carried them in a bag on his way to work.

In the locker room, he placed his books on the top shelf and changed into his scrubs. The recipes would wait. He had a duty.

Freshly dressed, he walked his floor. "Hello, Mrs. Smith!" He smiled at the elderly lady sitting in the sun-room reading a book. In her day, she must have been a beautiful woman. She still was, for a woman in her eighties. "How was your day?"

"Horrible!" she growled. He sat beside her, held her hand and looked into her eyes. "My grandson didn't visit me," she continued. "He promised me he'd be here today." She adjusted her shawl and tried to hide the tears about to spill from her wizened eyes.

"Maybe tomorrow." he replied. "You know how busy these young people are." He noted the tear in the corner of her eye and changed subject. "Mrs. Smith, didn't you tell me you lived during the great depression?"

A smile came to her face. "Oh, yes. What a time that was. There was no work, ya know. But we survived."

"How did you get by?"

"Well, we all worked together. Everyone worked together. We helped each other." She frowned. "It's not like today, where people are too busy to worry about anyone but themselves. In those days, we worked together. If you didn't, you starved."

"It must have been a hard time, Mrs. Smith. I don't know how you did it."

"I didn't." she grinned. "We did. We did it together, the neighbors and my family."

He left her smiling and hoped her grandson paid a visit the next day.

He moved down the hall and stepped into Mr. Walker's room. "Hey, Walk! How's things?" He used the name Walk, as all the others in the center called him. It made Walk feel comfortable.

Mr. Walker looked up from a puzzle he leaned over. "Could be better, Mike. This damn puzzle has me stumped. These eyes aren't what they used to be."

"I know, Walk. Just take your time. There's no rush."

"There is too." Walk chuckled. "I need to finish it before I die."

"Not too soon I hope." Mike said.

"Soon enough. Be glad not to have to work on this darn thing anymore anyway. Say! Have I told you about the guy who walks into a bar with a giraffe under his arm?"

Mike chuckled. Walk loved a good joke. "I don't believe you have."

Walk's face broke out in a smile. "You see, this guy walks into a bar with a giraffe under his arm. He has a few beers. The giraffe falls asleep on the floor. The bartender looks down, sees the giraffe and asks, 'What's that lying on the floor?'

"The guy says, 'That's not a lion! That's a giraffe.'"

Walk broke into a laugh that turned into a coughing spell. Mike slapped him on the back. "Come on, Walk. Cough it up."

Walk got himself under control. "Thought I wasn't going to finish this damn puzzle after all."

"You're OK now. I got your back."

I know about covering someone's back." Walk sat straight his seat. "I was in WWII ya know."

"I heard that. Did you have a hard time?" Mike asked.

"Mike, you have no idea. It was the winter of '41, or was it '42. I can't remember now. Snow was up to here." Walk pointed to his thigh. "We were on the front. The enemy was close ."

Thirty minutes later, Mike said, "WOW! That's a story, Walk." He paused. "Walk, I knew you were in the war, but I don't think I ever thanked you. I want to say, 'Thank you.' You made us safe."

"Ah, stop it. It was nothing." Walk turned to his puzzle, too embarrassed to continue their talk. He and others knew what they did, but don't want to take credit. It's an unspoken rule between the veterans. They did what they had to.

Mike continued on his rounds, held hands, shared hugs and listened.

Here they were, like the cookbooks, sitting in dark corners, ignored. Mike knew what to do. He held them, let their hearts fall open, and found the pages stained with use.

They are the most valued. They are the pages long forgotten.

Michael T. Smith

Michael lives with his lovely wife, Ginny, in Caldwell, Idaho. He works as a project manager in Telecommunications and in his spare time writes inspiration stories. He has recently been published in two Chicken Soup for the Soul Books (All in the Family and Things I Learned from My Cat), in "Thin Threads - Life Changing Moments" and in Catholic Digest. To sign up for Michael's stories go to:
To read more of his stories, go to:

Love sharing nice stories like this to inspire others if you enjoy my post please leave a comment below I keeps me inspiring more blessings
Patricia Faidley

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Be Enthusiastic about Failure

Winston Churchill said; Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. This is so true, so many people give up just before they achieve great success because of failure. They give up, Just because one company didn't work out for them they say all companies don't work. This is not true, You must be passionate about what you do. We meet failures to learn from them,every successful person you meet will tell you they had many failures on their journey to success. I myself have been involved with several companies that for one reason or another did not work out because my heart was not into it. That doesn't mean they were not great companies, it just means it wasn't the right path to be on. I have not lost my enthusiasm for the business though I know that the possibilites are there I just have to learn from my failures and not repeat them.

The journey to the top is a learning experience, a process that must be taken, the growth that you experience from failure is phenominal. It pushes me, and it should push you to do something different. But never never give up on your dreams to make them a reality. People play the lottery for the big win in life, and even if by chance they do they lose it, because they have not earned the right to have it. They will not get it back because they did not go through the learning process to get it back. Life is not a chance, and you should not treat it that way. We develop through our failures. So if you are having failure at this time, look at it another way, on the other side of that failure lies the seed to success. You are so close do not give up your dreams, for anyone, or thing that stands in your way is just a obsticle that can be overcome by your enthusiasm to succeed.
If you like this leave a comment I'd love to hear your thoughts about thisBlessings
Patricia Faidley

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Start On The Inside, Work Your Way Out

You can not have success without dealing with problems.
Look for your opportunity in every difficulty instead of being paralyzed at the thought of difficulty in every opportunity.
Each new experience brings with it the seed of your success. Even your current difficulties have within them opportunity.~Max Steingart

As I look back on my life I realize that every difficulty there was up till now has led me in a direction that I was suppose to go. You see we are all spirtual beings, Gods greatest creations, we are not led by our own thought but by the thoughts we are given by our spiritual source, when we are given challenges to face in life these are test. If we pass those test we move to the next level in life.

Sometimes these test are unbarable, but we move through them and the quicker the better. Our test are there to teach us what we need to know. If we take the challenge
and really understand there is nothing to fear. We know that on the other side lies opportunity.

Once you study your thoughts, and study those that have come before you, the mentors the teachers are there to teach you, you realize there is no going back, that you cannot quit, you know there is more to life than just following the average. Life
becomes a open book and all you need to do is fill in the pages with what you want it to be.

It takes time, effort and will to succeed. It doesn't happen because you say so, it takes work, working on what's inside of you and a DECISION to never go back to what was. The DECISION to change the things in your life that are not working. The way to do this is to work on your beliefs. Focus on those that uplift you that push you
towards your goals. Only hang out with those who are doing what it is you want to do
Make study self development a part of your life. Everyday. Repetition is the key to change. Make a BIG SHIFT now and you will start to see the results you wish to see.

I believe the world is in a downturn because there are to many people walking on this earth in a low frequency, they are putting out so much negative frequency that it is causing the universe to give it back with hurricaines, tornados, and such. If we want to get back the power and change what is happening in our world, we must change and become our spiritual selves again. So many have lost what the true meaning of living really is, they are walking around day in and day out in a negative force field. And our results is the Devil is winning.

Take back your mind, follow the spirit the voice inside of you telling you what to do. This is the voice you should listen to. That voice that wants so much for you to succeed.
God works with everyone. He is waiting on us to give him back the power. Ask now
allow Him to come into your life and Allow the change to start.

Until next time blessings
Patricia Faidley

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My Sunday Sermon The Sky Is The Limit

Today is Sunday and I thought I would give some Praise to our Creator.

If you were to ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up I probably would have said a Professional Ice Skater, Nun, none of which is what I became, and it certainly would not have been that I would be ministering to 1000's around the world. Giving talks about Successful mindset.Or Networking with others on the internet using technology that didn't even exist yet. Putting out videos, able to speak globally and connect around the world.My life has constantly changed in response to events, people and opportunity around me. I have been divinely blessed by my Creator, but I have also made deliberate attempts to grow, to position myself to recieve. I have even failed many times and kept on going many times before making significant progress toward my goals.

My mistakes were also my lessons, as I learned by my past mistakes, and did not allow them to bound and gag me. The boundries from those experiences were pushed outward as I went, allowing me to find the keys to unlock new experinces and allowing me to live a life without limitations.

It has dawned on me that success is a direct consequence of our desire to want a more abundant life, and a pragmatic plan to get us there. Poverty should not be worn as a badge of superiority,in some church communities people actually believe that it is more godly to be so poor that they are hardly able to feed their children then to be wealthy. Don't get me wrong here I have seen enpovershed people who were just as proud as their couterparts,who owned the greatest Mercedes. I believe the healthy state of mind is somewhere in between.

America is one of the richest nations in the world,and yet so many of its people feel distant from the wealthy. They also feel distant from the poor. We think of ourselves as middle class and entitled to look down our noses at someone who is a welfare mother, than someone who wears designer clothes and drives a Mercedes.

God blesses his people faith is a substance of whatever it is that we hope for. Faith is connected to good works and responsibility. If we teach faith as being all we need to have we are teaching a belief in magic. Direct your hope to building your dreams instead of waiting for them to build themselves.

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free John 8:32 NIV. If you are one who believes that you only go around once, and believe that you are producing less than glowing resuts,there is nothing worse than getting to the end of your life wondering what could have happened or should have happened.Often it is not as dibilitating to the olympion the loss, as it is the feeling that if he had just launched a little further or pushed harder he might have been holding the gold cup right now.He would have been holding that gold cup of victory instead of the bottled water of defeat.

Let us all begin to take a look at our journey through life an realize we only get one chance in time to make a difference in our lives, we have the ability to start each day as a new one, remembering that our time here has no guarantee, how long we are here. When time is up we want to have done things in our lives that have had a impact on others as well as ourselves. Don't waste anymore time wondering if I would have or should have make it happen starting today.

Many blessings
May your life be blessed with the Richness that God has in his heart to give you, all you need to do is desire it, make the effort to see it, then visualize yourself as already having it.
If you enjoy this post leave a comment below and let me know feel free to follow this blog I post frequently blessings and Thank You

Patricia Faidley

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Clearing Out The Clutter

No one is ever free of clutter in their lives, when we take the time to look at our needs versus our wants we see that our wants have certainly won the battle. Who needs 75 pairs of shoes, or 4 closets full jam packed with clothes? Or Friends who haven't contacted you in forever, and expect to be number one on the list when you are giving.

Life is very simple when you think of it in this way. There are laws in this universe and if you chose not to follow them thats okay but the results in your life will neither change or get better unless you understand them. One of them is the Vaccuum law of prosperity.

This law states that in order to have more in your life you must clear a space for more to come in. This law works for relationships as well, if you spend all your time wishing and hoping for the right person to come into you life, but sleep in the middle of the bed, have clutter taking up space in your garage where someone else would park, or don't have space in your closet for them how do you think you will attract anyone. The point I am trying to make in this post, is that what you are wanting, and what your actions are saying are not in harmony with the laws of the universe.

Clear out the clutter in your life. If it is a relationship you want then act like it clear the space so that you can fill it with what you want.

If its new clothes then clean out the closet GIVE the clothes to someone who needs them more then you do. If it's friends then clear those friends that aren't being a real true friend to you, but occupying your time and energy and make room for those that will uplift you and bring pleasure to your life.

Do this I guarantee that if you do you will start to see miraculous things start to happen in your life, your thoughts and actions must be in harmony with these laws there are no exceptions.

Patricia Faidley

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's Your Being That Is The Power For Your Life

Instant gratification wears off,People leave, if you derive satisfaction this way, you will never be fulfilled, No matter what you can aquire, experiences you have will wear off, everything in the material world comes and goes. The true satisfaction in life is to look for what doesn't come and go..AWARENESS NOW! SPIRIT, Being present, its not the exerience, it's experiencing that matters.

Meditation helps complete this, it allows you to rest, your mind, this is where you find what is within, allows you to be present and be aware in the pressence, stop focusing on stuff focus on self.

It's the inner world, that doesn't change..The world of money is not it, once your needs are met, money has little to do with your happiness. Money is a vehicle to help others, provide for your family, but if your inner world is not together you will always be wanting more! Be happy within, check your thoughts

Ego makes the false promise that when I get this then I will be happy. The Ego is so miserable that it will make you promises that aren't true. Peace means the Ego is leaving, the Ego lies, to stay with you.

We resist reality, when we blame, or live in the Ego, we make it wrong, we say this shouldn't be, we deal with it, The way that you percieve life wiil get rid of the turmoil in life, when you judge bad or good, whatever it may be, accept what is and say I accept it, its okay...give everything the right to exist. Stop fighting your life.

Everything you need and want is already there you do not have to look for it, you cannot buy it, its FREE and when you STOP looking for it and Quiet your mind you will find exactly the Peace and Happiness you DESIRE.

Blessings until next time
Patricia Faidley
Join me on Facebook/Patricia.Faidley

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Shout Out To The Ladies Who Inspire To Become Great Leaders

Hello Ladies,

Kindle a new in your mind the Fire,Hope,Faith, Courage and Tolerance. If you have the state of mind and a working knowledge of the Principals,described, all else you need will come to you when you are ready for it.~Napoleon Hill

Write this out and place it somewhere that you will read it daily and see it.
By writing things out it makes it concrete. Do this daily in your life and make all your dreams a reality. Learn to Aspire to Inspire yourself and others daily in your life. Developing you will be the best gift you could give yourself and others.
The one thing that others will learn by coming to my blog daily is that I am all about developing the minds of many.

Until next time Blessing
Patricia Faidley
P.S Lisa Renee shared this image on facebook I loved it and chose to share it with you.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One Simple Idea

One Simple Idea Can change your life. Living paycheck to pay check is a stressful life.
That one ideal you have had nagging from inside of you. From childhood. The one that keeps saying there is more to life than this. You may find that one ideal could be the one that takes you to success.

How do I get past that imaginary line and move forward with my life? You are where you are now because that is where you are suppose to be. Start from there, if you study this information you will gain new skills. Over time you will look back and say wow look where I am.

You really don't realize that step by step, brick by brick you will build the wall, you will build your masterpiece. By creating a vision and setting it in stone you will achieve that vision you seen.

Don't stop till you reach that Goal. Listen to this video and get inspired.

You must grow, learn, and get desire in your heart. Believe and see it for yourself you and your family deserve it.


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Anyone interested in starting a business online must understand the basics and the power that they hold in the palm of their hands by using Social Media in their marketing. Some say well I don't know anything about that or I don't like putting myself out there.

You either want to grow and change with the times or stay the same as the masses.

Whichever you choose your results are your results.

Listen to this and know there are many doing network marketing and knocking it out of the park. You can to all you need to do is Believe it is possible.

Start one step at a time till you have climbed that mountain. One day you will turn and be living a completely different life.

One with time and energy to do the things you love.

Patricia Faidley

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Leave a breif thought also blessings

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Andrew Carnegie wrote;

The accumulation of great wealth calls for POWER, and power is acquired through HIGHLY, ORGANIZED, AND INTELLEGENT DIRECTED SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE, BUT, that knowledge does
NOT have to be in the POSESSION of the person who accumulates the fortune.

Your organized knowledge can come from other people. All working together, they are great at what they do as well as you also have something you are great at as well. By everyone joining as a team. We build leverage, and that is how the wealthy get even wealthier.

Many people choose to follow the pack, do what they know what others before them have taught they stay in a comfort zone, never exploring new ventures. Never daring to dream or visualize things never being any different.
Watch this video and feel free to contact me for more information.
Click Here

Are you ready to have a Six Figure Residual income by the end of 2011? Following a step by step plan to get you there. Don’t wait; do not go to the thinking corner on this one. This powerful suite of tools will take your business to the next level, and our teams of leaders are ready to show you how.
We are waiting on you. Make a decision today to build a financial fence around you and your family for Years to come Now!

Patricia Faidley
Go To

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Step Son Is Engaged

Wow, Finally they did it they are Engaged. My Husbands Son and His girlfriend have been together forever. Now it is Wedding Planning and Excitement for all to have in 2011.
My wish for them is to never take each other for granted. Strive to feel the way you feel now forever. Grow with each other never stop growing,learning new things about each other. Always compliment, appreciate and understand each other.

Look forward to sharing more soon.

Brittany & Paul

Patricia Faidley

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Simple thought Leads me to Conversation

Hi it's Trish Faidley

I welcome you here. If you are here I know that you're here for a reason, I know that everything happens for a reason. And you have come to the right place. If you are looking to enhance your life, and your mind with fresh new ideas and concepts, from my perspective of all I've learned for over the past 4 ½ years. I am ready to teach others to change their lives because of it.

I want to read a quote today by J Paul Getty an American Oil Tycoon who lived from 1892- 1976. He wrote this quote and it inspired me so I thought I would share it with you.
" individual who wants to reach the top in business must appreciate the might of the force of habit and must understand that practices are what create habits. He must be quick to break those habits, that can break him, and hasten to adopt those practices that will become the habits that help him achieve the success he desires."

Whooo sigh, that is some true stuff right there. And what he is saying to me and my perspective from that is, if you want to create anything you want to create you are going to have to create habits of those who create the things you want do. If you are interested in mind development then you would study those in mind development. If you want to build racecars then study those professionals who build race cars.

In order to learn you must study successful people, the rich do not have big libraries for the reason of just having a library. In their homes they have a library because they study. They study in their libraries reading books and they read them not once but over and over again, I've often misunderstood the concept of the Library when I was young.

I couldn't stand to have to go to the library, because it meant I would have to work or I would have to do something that was required of me that I didn't feel like doing. As you get older, and you require the knowledge the library or Google comes back into play. And it becomes a part of your life. Your growth, I'm not the only person who talks about this there are many who talk about this and I believe that, energy flow is changing in the world today and it's going to depend on you whether or not you change your thoughts and move forward or you stay back with the old thoughts, doing the things that people are doing and failing at.

So it's your option and your choice to change your thoughts, and how you perceive the world right now. It really is, if you want to be successful you must start to listen to those who are speaking the language of successful people. Delete those who are in your lives that are causing you to not move forward not expand and by Delete I mean remove all contact from them move forward.

Those who are growing are those who you want to be around. If you choose to move forward that is what we do so . God Bless you I hope you got something out of this session and I will speak soon.

Blessings Bye Bye
Click Here To hear more

Monday, January 17, 2011

Energy Shift Happening Feel It

When you can see the Power of Something New, Something exciting, a way out, you start to see the beauty of Life. Becoming Aware that things are Possible opens up doors.
We are heading for a Powerful Energy Change that is well needed in this world of ours, If you are listening to this video you are here because you are suppose to be here right now.

Results are the the thoughts that proceeded them. Your results are indeed there because of things that you have thought.
Doors will open when you change thought because they just will trust me. Power yourself with good thoughts daily.

Good will always win. I hope you join me on your journey to success. Life is a Journey what are you going to leave behind.

My purpose is to leave something for my Children to Learn From. Personally all my time studing would go to waste if I did not share what I know so I feel it is my obligation to share it with all of you
Patricia Faidley
Click Here to see more videos
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Friday, January 14, 2011

Achievements are in all of us we just aren't focusing on them.

Listen to this powerful quote Napoleon Hill wrote in his book The Master Key To Riches, by the way you can get this on great book.
The Hope of Achievement. You will be moved to want to achieve more after hearing this.

To have Hope gives you options, without options you are going to the bottom pretty quickly. Listen to this over and over until you hear what this message is telling everyone. Hope, and Will to achieve something will achieve it.

Until next time Blessings
Patricia Faidley
Stay Posted more coming CLICK HERE

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Today's Perspective

Earl Nightengales said experts claim that it is possible to learn a definite system of problem solving that will fit most situations instead of jumping from one thing to another, think through each problem and it's possible solutions before you do anything about it.

Some people go on for ages with a problem never solved.

Bob Proctor spoke 6 steps to make a difference.

1. Define problem clearly on paper.
2. List the obstacles standing in the way of you solving it
3. List people or other ideal sources that might help you solve the problem
4. List as many possible courses of action that you could take.
5. Try to visualize the results of each action
6. Choose the course of action that best suits you.
Keep choosing another until you get results but take your time and let it take effect before moving to the next thing.

Click here to see more exciting videos
Patricia Faidley

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

In The World Of Words Attitude Ranks Very High

Earl Nightengale said We live in a world of words. We have a word for everything and some of these names and labels mean a great deal to us. Words such as love happiness, success, achievements, Joy, Ability.
These all describe conditions all of us want, but there is one word which controlls all of them. That is one word which describes the condition which will bring us all of these things or keep us from getting any of them.

Ask yourself if you know what that word is?
Earl Nightengale referred to it as a magic word. It's ATTITUDE.
you see if we've got the wrong attitude we distort everything we see.
Everything that comes into our life is twisted.

When we have the right atitude we see clearly, we improve everything we build a repore with people.

Attitude as Earl Nightengale describes it is our condition or bearing as indicating our thoughts, feeling, actions it's everything about us.

Bob Proctor says this power flows into our consciousness and we choose our pictures.
We get emotionally involved with those pictures and thats what causes us to act.

Atitude is the energy that is LEAVING US!
It's going out into the universe, and the universe offering by law it sends it back to you. So good or bad energy is coming back.

Attitude makes the difference you could have all those things, Happiness, Joy, Achievement with the right attitude.

Sit and think for 5 minutes then have the best attitude ever all day long, watch what happens.

Patricia Faidley

Describe in great detail what you see when you let your imagination soar and imagine the way you really want to live

Question: Describe in great detail what you see when you let your imagination soar and imagine the way you really want to live.

My Answer: I see laughter, happiness where ever I go. Excitement, of what is to come. I see a home in Hawaii, with a lunai, beautifully furnished, facing the water, with two palm trees and a hamick. I see relaxing while I work on new exciting creative things. I see my family having great times. I see myself Speaking to large groups of people and changing their lives for the better. I see training my son to be what ever he chooses in life and showing him how to get there. I see helping children to see a different point of view. I see myself, showing others a better way. I see all beauty in the world, all around people

coming together and changing the world for the better.

What do you visualize? You see this is where your journey begins. How can you have a journey without vision. If you can't see it you can't have it. Take the time today and think about this question. Write down just like I did elaborate, what ever feelings you feel for this must be STRONG and EMOTIONAL. This will give you the WILL to see it through. DESIRE is the BEGINNING of VISION.

Start a Journel today. I wrote this 4 years ago, and still feel the same way, of course much closer to it than ever.....It won't happen over night but the relief, and Joy that I have because I am working toward something BEATIFUL in my life has been the BIGGEST reward of all.

You will look back and really love what you wrote.

Patricia 1/12/2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Think About Branding Cutting Edge Technology

If there was ever a time to get aboard the most cutting edge Technology for Branding and taking your buiness to the next level it is right now my friends.
Truly phenominal Interested. Click on the box to your right and see how we are going to Rock it out of the park.
Patricia Faidley
Get Back with me click here
These are the Tools of the future of any Business.

Change your Plan not your Goals

Will you achieve your Goals if you keep changing them No! What most people are doing wrong is they change the Goal and don't have a clear vision of where they are going. First you need Vision and Purpose, the Why! Then the Goal is when you Achieve it. Create a plan this is your roadmap to getting to the Goal. If something isn't working you change the Plan not the Goal. Think Big You will get there even if you make it half way that is still further then you were.
Why think small a Goal must be bigger then you are. Make the decision and don't let nothing stop you
To See More videos Visit CLICK HERE

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Arguments do not Win Friends

Have you ever felt a argument coming and just knew it before it happened.
Arguments are not doing anyone service. We take the pain from another person and place it within ourselves. My question today is why. Arguments can be avoided and in this video I will discus how you can diffuse it before it gets out of hand and avoid going through the drama caused from it.

It is better to keep your focus on the right things to avoid unnecessary drama in your life. Here at Life-Changing Perspectives I will discuss many ways to create a more peaceful and abundant life. Sometimes it is just common sense but most of us with our busy lives tend to forget that we take in a lot of things that are not needed. Just because of our beliefs and perceptions of things.

Until next time be blessed and spend time thinking about that person in your life that chooses to bring you into their negative life, without even knowing they are doing it.
We choose what we take into our minds,start today to make the decision to change.
Patricia Faidley

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

If Your Not Using Video In Your Business Then Why?

Looking forward to opening up a whole new way of presenting your business online, Teaching,Motivating,training you in many ways to build a successful business online in 2011 check out this video and future videos as they will give you what you need to succeed in the coming months.
If your not using video then Why?
Do you have a Constant Flow of Customers or leads to your websites, your blog, your business?
Do you have the right mindset to build online?
Are you ready for 2011 to take you to higher levels?
Let me show you how.

Click Here To see my past videos

New Exciting Things Coming Your Way Soon

Hello Everyone.
I know it has been a while since I have written, Very busy getting set up to introduce many new things coming your way in the New Year.
I know that those who follow me know I am all about Inspiring Others, Motivating others, and developing others.
I personally love videos and marketing with videos gets the word across to your audience in a more personal way, It allows your customers and clients to see you and get to know you and build relationships on deeper levels. As you know business is all about building relationships.
Although You tube is a powerful tool for holding your videos, the downside is that you also are allowing others to get recognition off of your site. This tends to take your customers attention and place it elsewhere. Now you should use this tool, but I researched and found a way that not only allows you to upload and store your videos but allows you to brand yourself in the process without diverting their attention elsewhere.
Come visit my own Personal Video Channel and see what I am talking about @ and see for yourself. Please come back often because this is where you will find all of my newest videos to learn from. More coming soon in coming months.

As you can see I am putting together many things in the near future to teach and inspire others such as my very own Broadcasting center, where I will train and work with my team members with live conferencing and meetings. Branded to me. I will be holding live web shows in addition to these broadcast where you can interact with me live on my own TV show online.
Keep watching for updates this is so exciting and I am looking forward to 2011 to be a GREAT YEAR FOR ALL INVOLVED.
Patricia Faidley