Monday, October 11, 2010

What do you see when you look through the looking glass of life?

What do you see when you look through your looking glass of life?Really be honest do you see it the same 10 years from now, will you continue to do the same things you are now? You see comfort in what you have will stagnate you. It will rob you of living, it takes your life away literally one day at a time. Now, if you said no I see big things in the future bigger than I am now, then you are living, and breathing life into yourself there is a big difference.

You can be happy where you are now, and have gratitude for where you are, but that shouldn't stop you from pushing forward to new things, that you enjoy, I certainly am changing the other half of my life.

I remember as a child how felt to do something new and accomplish my goals, and it felt really good it lifted me, and taught me, now I have stepping stones to see the progress. You see you cannot see them until later.

The how that guided you then is still the how that will guide your future, its just now the knowledge has been instilled,you will always be tested, and once you learn to pass the test, things move quickly and start to change for you.

It becomes fun to create. If you are not creating your own happy abundant life that you want to live, then why?

Don't waste anymore time just sitting in front of the tv, cripe the information you are recieveing from a couple hrs of that is enough to make you want to jump off a bridge, isn't it?

Now is the time to change your ways of how you view your life? If it isn't everything you ever dreamed of having then why isn't it?

Ask yourself these questions and really start making the effort. Start to follow those with the mindset that will get you there, start making genuine friendships with those doing what you see yourself doing. Use the best tool God Gave you your mind......Start today.
Patricia Faidley 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Stepping up

Hello my friends,
I haven't written in quite some time now because I have been busy creating,
I am working on a website that will be available soon full of information and wisdom of those who have come before me. The information I will share will help others to develop their mindset in more powerful ways.

Part of being successful is stepping up. When you step up, and take the opportunities in front of you to share what you were blessed to do others will join you in your journey. People are waiting for you to step up and do the things your were born to do. It is very important that we all take a step in the direction of our purpose. Realize that the answers aren't all there as to how, that will come when you step up to the plate and show the world.

Life is but a short period, we are not guarenteed that tomorrow will come. Make it you mission to do what you love and were blessed with.

Make it a great day starting now...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Everyone has a chance for success


People often handle life as they do bad weather. They while away the time waiting for it to stop. Yet the tide of opportunity comes to everyone.

Opportunity knocks all the time, but you've got to be ready for it. When your chance comes, you must have the equipment to take advantage of it.

The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, for time and chance happen to everyone. Take a second look at what appears to be someone's "good luck." You'll find not luck but preparation, planning and success-producing thinking.

When you're prepared for opportunity your chance for success is sure to come. The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success.

Decide that this year will be your year for success and prepare for it to happen.

© 2010


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Wealth without enjoyment is little consolation


It's not what you have, but what you enjoy that constitutes your abundance.

Your real riches are riches in your head and heart. Wealth without enjoyment is little consolation.

True satisfaction comes from appreciating what you have.

There are two ways of being happy: you must either diminish your wants or augment your means.

It's always better to appreciate things you cannot have than to have the things you cannot appreciate.

Your riches will always lie within you, not in your material possessions.

© 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Stop Blocking your Energy

Stop Blocking your energy. If you continue to think thoughts that the money is not coming, or whatever it may be that you want, then it will not come. See it and Feel it to be so and STOP BLOCKING your energy to get the things you want...Bob Proctor

When you hear yourself say but I have done everything you are telling me I read books, I study and still the money is not coming. The reason is that in your thoughts you do not see it to be. You are focusing on it not being there.

Same as love when you focus on love not being there you are blocking what you want.

Start focusing on it being there, how it feels, what it will be like. you do not need evidence of it to think it or feel it. Lazer focus on what you want loose the thought of it not happening. Then you will start to see the results because you will then be focusing and acting on the things you do want.

Looking forward to a wonderful spring how about you?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Extend Your Thinking by Paul Hoffman

Extend Your Thinking

Good Morning and Great Day...
One of the simple truths about each and every one of us is that we are infinite creative beings capable of accomplishing anything that we desire. We all have the capacity to think in ways that will absolutely lead to the certain manifestation of the dreams we hold in our heart. Our imagination is a fertile garden full of ideas that are constantly being broadcast to us. The quality of these ideas is dependent on the state of consciousness that we are living from. When we are in fear or in some form of lack and limitation we will attract the same because LIFE is a mirror image of the thoughts we hold in our mind. On the other hand when we stay in an open and positive consciousness then what we attract are all the resources and tools we need to create an abundant harvest. When YOU choose to "Extend Your Thinking" in ways that stretch you and get you to think out of the box LIFE becomes the magnificent journey you hope it will be.

You must believe that you are worthy to have it all. Each day begin your day with a practice that recognizes the brilliant genius that you are. Become willing to receive the divine communication that is being beamed to you. It is full of wisdom that will guide you towards your destination with ease and grace. LIFE becomes effortless when you make an agreement with yourself to break down the barriers that have been part of the conditioned compartmentalized thinking you have accumulated through the years. Break free from mediocrity and dare yourself to taste the infinite kaleidoscope of abundance that is before you. Do the uncomfortable so you can feel the energy of releasing what may be holding you back as you live into the freedom of infinite possibility. Accept the magnificence of your being. All it takes is for YOU to "Extend Your Thinking" as you become the masterpiece of who you really are.

"There is no such thing as a limited view of who you really are. There is only an unlimited powerful expression of who you can become."

I AM a perfect and dynamic expression of pure potential
I see hear and feel the infinite calling of my heart
In every moment of my day I choose the way
I will show up and share my brilliance
I recognize the genius that is who I AM
I live in a constant state of gratitude and loving grace
I AM a powerful expression of the Sacred Yes.

It's your day...MAKE IT A GREAT ONE!

Hear Life From A Higher Vibration,
For Your Success
Paul Hoffman
Just sharing some wise words blessings all

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

So True Take The Time For Change

"The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less

We have bigger houses and
smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees
but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more
problems, more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little,
drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too
little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our
possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and
hate too often.

We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to
life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but
have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer
space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things.

We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom,
but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but
accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more
computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we
communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small
character, steep profits and shallow relationships.

These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but
broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway
morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything
from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the
showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can
bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share
this insight, or to just hit delete...

Remember, to spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not
going to be around forever. Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks
up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave
your side.

Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the
only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.

Remember, to say, "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most
of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from
deep inside of you.

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person might
not be there again. Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to
share the precious thoughts in your mind.


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments
that take our breath away."
— Bob Moorehead

Just thought I'd share blessings

Sunday, March 14, 2010

One Chance to Live The Right Way

Lance Armstrong wrote:
"Time is limited, so I better wake up every morning fresh and know that I have just one chance to live this particular day right, and to string my days together into a life of action, and purpose."

There is alot to be said about this man who endured Cancer and overcame all obsticles, a 7 time winner in the tour de France. He did not allow outside unfluences to come in and fog up his mind. He changed his thoughts to empower his life to live each day to the fullest. He even healed his body through his mind.

When we realize the power that our mind has, and the possibilites that we have through our God given talents, and reorganize our thoughts, we then allow the beauty on the inside of us to shine brightly. When we do this it affects everything in our lives in a positive way.

Life is here but a short time, it is hard to see that we do take it for granted. Those who know this and continue to do the same things thinking that it cannot change, live life in vain. It is time for all of us to take the path that we were meant to take, and STOP the excuses that we create in our minds to allow us to feel in some way that we are doing our best and nothing is happening, know this we all have gone through it, and it must be stopped at all cost.

I wish for everyone to make a committment to yourself today to take whatever it is that gives you the most pleasure in life and create a materpiece with it. Life is a blessing,and most of the time is taken for granted.

Some may say, well there isn't enough time in a day to do the things I love because of my Job, or because of Resposibilites. When you take that time to think about changing your life it seems so overwelming that you take the short cut the easy way out and remain comfortable in the way you are. I'm here to tell you this is not an excuse or is it right, it is a scape goat and will keep you where you are for the rest of your life. Ask yourself today am I living the life I love, does this life fullfill my dreams, am I giving my all?

If you answered No to any of those then you SERIOUSLY need to take 5 minutes a day and start to write down If I could change my life what would I do first?
Then start doing it. It may not change in a day, or week or maybe even a year, but I am here to tell you one change leads to another and soon you will be on the path you wish to be on. It takes action, you can wish and wish all you want, you can even play the lottery, but these things are games we play to dream. Stop playing games to get your dreams, start living those dreams by putting on foot in front of the other to get where you need to go.

So today, take the step forward create the time you need to work on one thing at a time, it may only mean 5-10 minutes a day to allow yourself to stop the maddness that has infected this society, and start dreaming again.

As a kid you dreamed, everyone has some idea of where they would love to be, but stopped dreaming because of beliefs that they will never have them, Reality is what we make it, not the other way around. Your reality changes today. Create your Reality Now.

Blessings my friends for a more enriched life starting today

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Descendants Are A Parents Best Gift

Hello Hope everyone had a great productive day today I know I did. I totally rocked today, Cleaned up a room and redocorated it to a more condusive work enviroment. It is almost done and is beautiful if I must say so. Very Zen and inspirational.

While cleaning I came across something that really struck my emotions, I wrote this to my mother 10 years ago. I was impressed that 10 years ago I was inspiring others indeed. Including myself. Funny how when we clean up the clutter we are inspired in many ways. I will put this in my new space. Matt it and frame it.

This should touch the hearts of many mothers out there, as it did my mother when I gave it to her.

Descendents Are A Parents Best Gift

To My Wonderful Mother,

How do I say thank you for all the love and caring over the years?

How do I repay all the nights you stayed up when I was sick, and all the floors you walked when I was late coming home?

What can I give you for all the times you supported me in my triumphs and provided a shoulder when there were losses?

What present is there for all the times we just sat together and shared our warmth?

How do I thank you for the guidence when I was unsure of my way, and your restraint to allow me to find myself?

You nurtured my growth, yet allowed me my independence. How can I measure the worth of your love? What gift is enough?

The answer came to me today, No box can hold it, no wrapping can cover it, nor can a ribbon tie it. No store has it on a shelf.

My gift is not to you, it is to my child. I promise to care for him when he is sick, and walk the floors when he is late. I will help him grow, yet let him choose his path. I'll be there when he needs me, and step aside when he must go alone. And someday, maybe, he will come to me and say, "How can I thank you for all you have done for me?"

I will tell him don't thank me, thank my mother for I am a product of her love, and you are my greatest gift to her.


Now I am not sure if I wrote this or not sure does sound like I did. but either way I loved it and so did she

Hope you enjoyed it.
Until next time
Be blessed

Friday, February 26, 2010

Thinking About Your Paradigms

Just sitting here thinking about Paradigms.

The meaning of a paradigm is a multitude of habits that are programmed into our sub conscious minds over time.

Routines don't mess with it, think about it when you do something everyday the same way, day in and day out, what happens when someone messes with that routine? It causes problems.

It's like everyone is in a box, think about 100 people in a clear cube, no one ever leaves this box, never steps outside the box, and they live in a little world.

So the only way I see of eliminating these paradigms that have been planted inside since the day you were born, your habits are what you believe. Would be to step outside the box, Right?

Explore your future, start thinking with clearity, where do I want to be in the future, what will it look like, see it in your mind, what will I feel when I wake up in the morning, See all of it with clearity, feel it emotionally, this is when you step out and do what ever it is you do and love, and aim as high as you want to go. Once you get on the path of changing the habits or paradigms that do not serve you well, your whole life will shift in the direction that is needed to take you there. Your Brain is Powerful, start using it to create the life you want.

I get up everyday and think,and see the world and, love what I am blessed with now. I see the world and what it looks like and feels like later....creating a shift in thoughts creates a more peaceful and open arena for my spiritual being, and with my brain and spirit there is nothing I repeat nothing standing that will stop me from achieving any goals I wish or dream about. Action today for a better tommorow.

Until we speak again Blessings

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hello and welcome to my blog as you all know by reading my blogs I am a very inspirational being.

I love to share the knowledge I have gained with others who are looking for ways of creating a better life for themselves.

My thoughts are the more I share the more will come back to me. If I sow seeds then they will take root in someone elses life, and if my words can help one or two or hundreds then I have done well.

I am a firm believer in The Law of Attaction, when used properly and action is put to it that we all can have what we desire in our hearts. Life to me means living, not sitting around doing the same things over and over expecting different results.

Result come when you make the effort to do something that you have never done, challege that comfort zone and get out there and make it happen. So many people live their lives day after day the same things over and over. Life was meant to live, experience and dream. If you find that your life is not where you want it to be, you find you are unhappy and cannot put your hands on why, then it is time to create change in your life. We all become comfortable, some become lazy sit around thinking they have no time to do anything else in life, watching tv, listening to all the negativity around them, and start to believe that things will never change...when this happens we stay comfortable and stiffled.

I am here to tell you this is not life this is waiting to die. So many people go through their lives waiting to die....DON'T do this to yourself, regardless of who you are and where you have been, we all are given the same opportunities to change what we think. NO MATTER WHAT! Your life is yours, and no one can tell you what to think but YOU! Take charge of YOU and make the change to a better life now.

My experince was clear two years ago when I realized this, that my life is where it is because I stepped out and tried, and took the responsibility and initiative to make those changes to change my thoughts. Yes it will take some time but so what if you need to read a book, or spend a little on your knowledge, or listen to a cd while riding down the road, whatever it takes to take that first step to the rest of your life invest in yourself, when you do this then everything will start to fall into place. We all think who are we to be able to do things the truth is we are masters at it already, we have brought into our lives everything we have now, if we are unhappy it is because of the choices you have made up to now. I am here to tell you that It is our fault, when we allow negativity to run our lives. Stop blaming others your life is your life, you take control, change those beliefs that aren't serving you and make changes now.

Repitition is key, the more you learn, listen, and follow people who are doing what you want to do, the more you will start to become the person you wish to be.

I have a program to help you do just that. It is called Six Minutes to Success. Look to the right of this screen and click on the link, check it out. it is one of the best programs for getting started, I love it and I think you will too.

Be blessed until next time

Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Short Inspirational story for you

The Woman Behind the Counter

The other day I was in the Phoenix Airport on my way to a meeting in Denver. Unsure of how long it would take to get the car parked, get the luggage checked, get through the security line, and get to our gate, we (my husband Michael and I) ended up at the airport early. Once we parked our belongings at the gate, I did what I always do when I'm early to the airport; I headed toward the News Stand for the sole purpose of staring at the tabloid magazine covers. Yes, I know, it's a nasty habit, but before you cast your stones, I should tell you I only allow myself to read the COVERS of the magazines. JUST the covers.
And even in those few moments I can feel my brain cells rotting and my dislike for humanity mounting.

However, on this particular trip to the News Stand I witnessed something much more fascinating, and disturbing, than any tabloid could offer.

In this particular News Stand there was a friendly looking gentleman. He had a pleasant face th at was graced with a cheerful smile. He and I were hovering in the same area; I was looking at the magazines, he was looking at the Snickers bars. Though, "looking" wouldn't be the right word -- "agonizing over" would be a better way of putting it. You see, this friendly-seeming man was about 200 pounds from healthy. As we stood silently by each other, I could hear him as he struggled to breathe, and watch him shift uncomfortably from foot to foot as he worked his way down the candy display.

I watched him out of the corner of my eye as he picked up a regular sized Snickers with his right hand and a KING sized Snickers with his left. He looked at his two options, back and forth, back and forth. He rolled them around in his hands, crinkled their wrappers, contemplating his decision. After at least a minute, he reached to put the regular sized one back ... a shame, I thought. He was so close.

But then, like a flash of lightening from above, at the very last moment , he THREW the KING sized Snickers back. It landed atop the gum with a deafening THUD. The man turned and looked at me with regular Snickers in his hand. Gripped it tightly, shrugged, and smiled.
For a moment, I saw a glimpse of pride on his face; the kind of pride that comes from taking control of your life. Granted, it wasn't the BEST decision, but it WAS a step in the right direction and it was clear he was pleased with himself. I smiled back and nodded; a silent congratulations for a job well done.

He took his regular sized Snickers strutted to the register where a 50ish woman waited. She was friendly in an abrasive sort of way, and as I moved to look at the cover of Men's Health I heard her say to the man (who was still in the glow of his recent victory):
"Sure you don't want the KING sized Snickers? Looks awful good..."

The man who had just made a good decision, froze. He stared at the woman behind the counter. In that moment, it was as if t he Phoenix Airport stopped.... As he stared at the abrasive woman behind the counter, I stared at him. The woman reached for the KING sized and waved it in front of his face. "Don't do it. Don't do it," I willed him. But in the next moment, he nodded, took the KING sized Snickers, paid, and slowly walked away.

I wanted to say something, but it wasn't my place. As he walked past, he didn't look my way, instead he looked to the ground and to the KING sized decision he held in his hand.
Now, it would be easy to blame the woman behind the counter for the demise of our Snicker loving friend. She didn't HAVE to offer him the KING size when he seemed to be perfectly content. However, it is not her fault; she was only doing her job (I swear they get paid on commission -- every time I try to buy a magaziine... I mean, a pack of gum... they always ask if I would like water or a snack. It can't JUST be because they're really concerned for my hydration or hunger). No, the res ponsibility lies solely in the man who ultimately made the choice.

We relate to this man. Whether you struggle with your weight, or you struggle to make good financial decisions. Maybe you make poor decisions, of any size, in your personal relationships. Whatever your vice may be (and there may be many), we have all been here before; on the brink of a breakthrough, only to fall short with no one to blame but ourselves. Whether you've been there once or been there 100 times, there is an important lesson to learn here; one that may not be the most obvious.

Who you are now does not determine who you will be.
I'll say it again. Who you are now does not determine who you will be.
Sounds nice, right? Easy lesson, nice lesson, hopeful lesson. The catch is this: you have to MAKE it so. The difference between who you are NOW and who you will BE happens because of choice. It doesn't have to be a heroic choice, it can be small/consistent choices made everyda y in the right direction, that make the difference. But they MUST be made and can only be made by you.

How do you do this?

First: start seeing yourself NOW as the person you will BE. If you're broke, start seeing yourself as un-broke. If you're alone, see yourself wrapped in the warmth of a healthy relationship. If you're heavier than you would like to be, see yourself thin.

Second: It is not enough to just SEE yourself there, you must start behaving in a way that mirrors the behaviors of the kind of person you will become. Un-broke people make sound decisions when it comes to finances -- do that now. Healthy people find joy in salads and low-fat dressing -- you should too.

Third: Stay focused. There is a good chance that others will continue to see you as you are now, and that's ok. It's not their fault. They may not be aware that you have made a decision to change; not aware that you are making small consistent decisions toward the person you wa nt to become. They may not SEE those small decisions or REALIZE what they are adding up to. Stay focused on YOU. On YOUR vision for yourself. And don't be afraid to verbalize your desires to those around you so they can aid in your transformation.
This is where I believe our friend at the candy counter went astray:

Perhaps he was seeing himself not as who he IS, but who he could BE -- well, healthy, happy...
I KNOW he was making a small decision in the right direction...

But when he got to the counter, the abrasive woman saw him as he WAS: a man who "must" love KING sizes. And instead of staying focused, instead of standing as a warrior for his future-self, he crumbled with the words "I will always be this" ringing in his defeated ears.
We all relate to this story. We have all been there. I just urge you to not go there again. Fight for you future self, and beware the woman behind the counter.

When all was said and done, I walked out of the News Stand empty-handed and heavy hearted. I took my seat at Gate C27 and waited for our plane to arrive.
(Post Note: Michael ended up sitting next to this man on the plane. When I told Michael this story, looong after the flight, he said, "That makes it worse ... he was such a nice guy.")

Kindra Hall

Just a short inspirational story for your Sunday reading
Be blessed

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Perfect Lesson by Paul Hoffman

The Perfect Lesson

Good Morning and Great Day...
Did you know that right now you are being given every opportunity to create the most awesome life imaginable?

Look around, right where you are everything you need to have it all is right at your fingertips. Are you willing to see it?

When you have the mindset that all things are possible then all possibilities show up for you. They come in many different shapes, sizes and colors but I assure you they will come when you believe that you are a perfect expression of infinite intelligence.

"The Perfect Lesson" begins when you let go of all thought of lack and limitation and begin to see the unseen, hear the unknown and have faith in your ability to create anything you set your heart and mind out to do.

Everything will not look like you think it should. Don't let that stop your dream. You have to be willing to trust yourself becoming more aware and in touch with what you want from a consciousness of already having it. You will then begin to see your life as the mast erpiece that it is.

You are a student always learning in every moment of your day. In order to do this you must be willing to give yourself permission to be open to receiving the blessings that are yours for the asking.

Your belief system is a powerful messenger. Just imagine if you believed that right here and now you can have everything you need to create the most powerful day. Then everything you need will absolutely show up. Feel into the feeling tone of claiming all the pure potential you are. Begin your journey to day in a complete state of confidence and determination that nothing will hijack your dream. What comes before you you will see as a sign to pay close attention to what is at hand.

Everything before you will be an opportunity for growth and transformation. You will hear life from a higher vibration because you will be vibrating from your true authentic self. That is the way it is!

"When you look at yourself what do you see? That's now see genius, brilliance, excellence, magnificence, authenticity and a creative spirit that can manifest anything!"

I AM alive with a passion for my dream
I see my dream as the reality of my life
I AM in full control of my vision quest to have it all
I AM a perfect expression of abundant imagination
I AM pure potential and poetry in motion
I AM whole perfect and free to love all of ME

It's your day...MAKE IT A GREAT ONE!

Hear Life From A Higher Vibration,
For Your Success
Paul Hoffman
5839 Green Valley Circle Suite 200
Culver City, CA. 90230

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wanting To Win Is Everything

Wanting To Win Is Everything

Success is connected with continuous action.
It's largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.
You're not finished when you're defeated, you're only finished when you quit.

The most important quality essential to success is perseverance.
It overcomes almost everything, even nature.

You can have a fresh start any time you choose, for "failure"is not in the falling down, but in the staying down. It's not over until it's over. If you've got the courage to stick it out, you'll attain your goal.

Winning isn't everything, but wanting to is.

© 2009

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Little Motivation For You

Your success depends on the support of other people.

The only hurdle between you and what you want to be, is the support of others.

Put yourself in another's place, and you'll know why they think and do certain things. You can succeed fastest by helping others to succeed.

Always think in terms of what the other person wants.

You'll get everything in life that you want if you'll help enough other people get what they want. Doing things for others always pays dividends.

Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows.

You're not an isolated island. You're a piece of the planet, a piece of the universe.

When you help someone's boat across a river, you'll find your own boat has reached the shore too.

© 2009